Croydon Home Treatment Team Portfolio Fellow Location: Croydon Home Treatment Team (3 days/week) and a linked team (1 day/week). Special Interest Day: 1 day/week for non-clinical learning and special interests. The team is made up of: - One full time Consultant - One full time CESR Fellowship Doctor - One part time, two days per week, SpR - One Portfolio (formerly CESR) Fellowship doctor [this post] - One clinical service lead - Four band 7 nurses - Thirteen band 6 nurses - Five band 5 nurses - Three band 4 workers - One peer support worker - One business manager - One psychological therapist and two psychology graduates. There is a dedicated doctors office and has space for small MDT meetings and other shared clinic and office rooms that can be booked for use. There is also dedicated Admin support for the team. The post will be supervised by Dr Andrew Howe, General Adult Consultant Psychiatrist for the Home Treatment Team. Candidates can also join the SpR on call rota if they wish to if they are section 12 approved status. The on-call rota is non-resident, covers the borough of Croydon and involves working at Croydon University Hospital Liaison Psychiatry Department, the Bethlem Royal Hospital site and answering telephone enquiries.