As a Support Worker within the Supporting Change team you will be a multi-skilled professional, working with parents, children and young people where there is a significant risk of children/young people requiring accommodation by the local authority or who, without intense intervention will not be able to be rehabilitated back to their family.
You will work as part of a team to deliver the Supporting Change Team programme and undertake family assessments and provide support to families where their child/children’s needs are being met through a care and support plan. You will deliver comprehensive parenting support programmes as required and bespoke programmes and packages of support to enable families to become confident, nurturing, resilient and safe.
Essential qualifications and experience for this role includes;
* A relevant Level 3 or above professional qualification in Social Care, Health, Education Early Years, Youth Work, Play Work
* Proven experience of working with children, young people and families
* Proven experience of undertaking assessments and delivering interventions
* At least Level 1 and 2 Safeguarding and robust experience of knowledge of child protection procedures, information sharing and tiers of intervention.
* Experience of working with “hard to reach” families.
Required knowledge includes a good understanding of child development and a sound working knowledge of legislation, guidance and standards related to support services for children, young people and their families.
Thorough pre-employment screening is undertaken during the recruitment process. The post holder will be required to complete an application for a Disclosure of Criminal Records.
We welcome applications in Welsh, please complete
For information on the re-employment and re-engagement of former employees please refer to the Council’s Pay Policy.
Closing Date 26.09.2024
Shortlisting 03.10.2024
Interview Date 09.10.2024