The Local Authority Research Practitioner will enhance our joint research strategy and governance for the Local Authority area by strengthening the delivery and performance of research projects and championing the role of research across the Council, North Somerset NHS Localities, and the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care System. The role will also support research investigators, collaborations, and the funding and delivery of other studies, such as service evaluations. This is a key role needed to assist the development of evidence-based approaches to policy and practice, and to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement for the benefit of the health and wellbeing of our population and to reduce health inequalities in North Somerset. Organisational context This role is jointly funded by the National Institute for Health NIHR, North Somerset Council and the two North Somerset Locality Partnerships of One Weston and Woodspring within the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire .BNSSG Integrated Care. The post holder will become a member of North Somerset Councils Health and Care team, part of the Healthy and Sustainable Communities Directorate. The post holder will work with a wide range of internal and external partners, across the Council, the NHS Integrated Care Board ICB, NHS Locality Partnerships and Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sectors VCFSE, as well as other relevant partners, commissioned service providers and residents. Organisational chart Dimensions The post holder will expand existing research capacity and infrastructure within the council and support timely knowledge transfer. Some of the work will build on achievements in other directorates and within NHS structures. This requires the ability to quickly understand and navigate complex systems, incentives and organisational cultures and languages. Direction and support will be offered via line manager relationship and through the management and leadership team for Health and Care Public Health. Further support will be offered through academic partners, the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and the BNSSG ICB. However, the individual will be expected to progress tasks using their initiative and adjusting plans based on agreed priorities. Main responsibilities Design and conduct public health or related research and evaluation projects and provide guidance, advice and support to researchers and organisations in the local area. Deliver training programmes to improve research methods, knowledge transfer and health outcomes across North Somerset. Provide guidance and support for those looking to undertake research in the Council or its Locality Partners, sharing knowledge of current best practice, legislation and guidance. Apply quantitative and qualitative research methods and disseminate findings Liaise with colleagues across the Council and Localities, identifying barriers to research and working to create the infrastructure which will enable hosting of studies and locally initiated research and evaluation projects. Work closely with stakeholders to identify common research interests and to maximise potential for setting up relevant studies and obtaining funding for them. Set up systems to support research and evidence-based service delivery and provide expert advice on research and evaluation methods Develop, embed and promote best practice research governance processes. Identify, critically appraise and clearly present local, national and international research evidence to inform policy and practice. Maintain good working relations with others in the NIHR Local Authority Research Practitioner Network, Council and academic institutions. In collaboration with the Council, NHS ICB, and Localities, further embed into practice the utilisation of the locally developed Theory of Change. Generic items To undertake any other duties commensurate with the grade of the post To be aware of and understand the councils equality scheme and ensure at all times that the duties of the post are carried out in accordance with the policy. To ensure compliance with all health and safety legislation and associated codes of practice and authority policies. Work control, supervision and work planning The post holder will be required to coordinate a number of programmes and projects progressing at the same time. This requires organising, prioritising and managing work to agreed deadlines, at times across organisations. The role is relying on cooperation and collaboration and requires flexibility, consensus making and an inquisitive way of finding solutions and decisions. Contacts and communication skills Public Health services are broad and rely on the collaboration of many stakeholders to be effective and to achieve improved outcomes for our population. The post holder with therefore need to work with representatives from a range of different organisations, as well as residents of North Somerset. Working with council, NHS and Locality colleagues, the post holder will promote a culture of research and evidence across North Somerset Health and Care services. The post holder will be required to communicate with a range of stakeholders and situations, making a judgement of how they adjust their style and approach accordingly. The post holder will have a high standard of communication skills, demonstrated by the ability to produce high quality documents which are accurate and easy to understand by all stakeholders. The post holder may present and disseminate research findings at conferences and write for peer reviewed journals. The post holder will liaise with internal and external partners, including: Healthy and Sustainable Communities Directorate Adult Social Care Childrens Services Other teams within the Council. One Weston, and Woodspring Locality partnerships, BNSSG Integrated Care System and constituent partners National Institute of Health and Care Research NIHR Local Authorities in BNSSG, within the South West and nationally Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise organisations NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West - ARC West and the NIHR RSS Specialist Centre for Public Health Qualifications and experience- Please see the attached person specification. General This role requires advanced knowledge and use of standard Microsoft Office and literature search products. This job description only contains the main duties relating to this post and does not describe in detail the tasks required to carry them out. Additional information Some of the work undertaken within the department is of a confidential nature. The post holder must at all times maintain confidentiality and should be aware that, given the nature of the services provided by the department they may on occasions be exposed to information that they may find upsetting.