Advert Social Care Workers, Goathill Campus, Isle of Lewis – 3 Permanent Posts 37 hours per week – Posts 0790 & 0799 – £30,369 to £33,186 per annum, inclusive of £2,859 per annum DIA 28.5 hours per week – Post 5566 – £23,392 to £25,561 per annum, inclusive of £2,202 per annum DIA You will work enthusiastically as a member of a team that promotes and supports Adults with Support needs to maximise their inclusion, independence and planned outcomes. This can be within a variety of settings and include overnight support needs of a person where necessary. You should have an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of people with support needs, the ability to listen effectively and communicate clearly and the ability to work as part of a team. You should also have SVQ Level III in Care (or equivalent), in the absence of this – you must have the ability to undertake and achieve this qualification – 36 months after registration with the SSSC. This role requires the wearing and use of PPE. This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with adults. Salary for the above post is inclusive of Distant Islands Allowance. Appointment to the post will be on the first point of grade with annual incremental progression. Please see attached ‘Job Description & Person Specification ‘ for further information. Interviews will be conducted in person, providing candidates with the chance to personally meet the team and experience our work environment. Closing Date: Monday 24 February 2025 Luchd-obrach Cùraim Shòisealta, Àrainn Cnoc nan Gobhar, Eilean Leòdhais – 3 Dreuchdan Maireannach 37 uairean gach seachdain – Dreuchdan 0790 agus 0799 – £30,369 gu £33,186 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £2,859 gach bliadhna de Chuibhreann Eileanan iomallach 28.5 uairean gach seachdain – Dreuchd 5566 – £23,392 gu £25,561 gach bliadhna, a’ gabhail a-steach £2,202 gach bliadhna de Chuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach Bidh thu ag obair gu dealasach mar phàirt de sgioba a bhios ag adhartachadh agus a’ cur taic ri inbhich le feumalachdan taice gus an in-ghabhaltas, neo-eisimeileachd agus builean dealbhaichte a mheudachadh. Dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith ann am measgachadh de shuidheachaidhean agus a bhith a’ toirt taic do dhuine tron oidhche ma bhios sin riatanach. Bu chòir tuigse a bhith agad air còraichean agus dleastanasan dhaoine le feumalachdan taice, agus an comas a bhith ag èisteachd gu h-èifeachdach, a’ conaltradh gu soilleir agus ag obair mar phàirt de sgioba. Bu chòir teisteanas SVQ Ìre III ann an Cùram (no teisteanas co-ionann) a bhith agad. Mur a h-eil seo agad, feumaidh comas a bhith agad an teisteanas seo a ghabhail os làimh agus a choileanadh – 36 mìosan an dèidh clàradh le SSSC. Tha cleachdadh còmhdach-dìon PPE riatanach san obair seo. San dreuchd seo, feumaidh tu ballrachd de Sgeama Dìon Bhuidhnean So-leònta (PVG) a thaobh a bhith an sàs ann an obair riaghlaichte le inbhich. Tha tuarastal na dreuchd seo a’ gabhail a-steach Cuibhreann Eileanan Iomallach. Thèid an neach a shoirbhicheas fhastadh air a’ chiad ìre den rang le cuibhreann ga chur ris gach bliadhna. Gheibhear barrachd fiosrachaidh san Tuairisgeul Obrach agus san Tuairisgeul Pearsanta a tha an lùib seo. Thèid agallamhan a chumail an làthair gu pearsanta, a’ toirt cothrom dha tagraichean coinneachadh ris an sgioba agus beachd fhaighinn air ar àrainneachd obrach. Ceann-latha: Diluain 24 Gearran 2025 Alert me to jobs like this