To provide all health-related and social support to people with complex care diagnoses including for example Acquired Brain Injury, Spinal Injury, Learning Disability, Autism and Mental Health. To support people who present with behaviours that challenge by using appropriate techniques and strategies. To provide safe medication and pain management to the people we support in line with their medication care plan. To manage medical equipment and supplies and monitor depletion of same, re-ordering as necessary in a timely manner to ensure nothing runs low. To attend all clinical mandatory and specialist training sessions, face to face and online, to remain competent to deliver care to the people we support. To ensure all incidents which cause or have the potential to cause harm are reported and recorded in a timely manner, in line with AFG policies and procedures. To support people to design, develop and own the support they receive, making an effective contribution to Personalised Planning. To support people to make informed choices and increase their independence and to follow the principles of the Mental Capacity Act when someone has difficulty making a specific decision. To support people to exercise their cultural beliefs and practices. To enable people to form and maintain relationships of their choice. To support people to maintain their home/living environment. To promote & increase independence for the people we support. To support people to access their community. To enable the people we support to take positive risks in their lives To ensure the people we support are not abused, neglected or ill-treated. To stop any such poor treatment, make the situation safe and report any concerns to line management, On Call Manager or if need be through Whistleblowing procedures. General Duties(Principle Accountabilities): 1.Enabling Support To provide personalised support to people with complex care needs, including assistance with activities of daily living, medication administration and managing medical equipment and supplies. To actively participate in helping the people we support to achieve their outcomes as per their agreed Personalised Plan, providing safe and effective care and support to ensure the needs of the person are met. To support people to develop and maintain relationships, as identified in the individuals Personalised Plan and facilitate the development of new relationships. To support people to make informed choices around a healthy lifestyle. To support people to meet their leisure, work, social, emotional and spiritual needs. To support people to connect with their community in accordance with their wishes as identified in their Personalised Plan. To support people in managing their finances to ensure financial independence and stability. To support people to maintain a suitably clean and safe living environment. To support people to access other support mechanisms through effective signposting as outlined in their Personalised Plan. To support people to maintain the safety and security of their home. To enable people to maintain their health & wellbeing including support with medication and/or personal care needs if identified within their Personalised Plan. 2. Training & Development Participate fully in training and development in accordance with the Alternative Futures Group development programme for Clinical Community Care Support Workers and any external training as required. Attend and actively participate in supervision sessions and performance reviews. Attend and actively participate in team meetings. Develop and share skills to aid in the provision and improvement of support. 3. Code of Conduct All staff must uphold the Skills for Care Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers. You will be given yourCode before you begin to work for AFG. The Code describes the standards of conduct, behaviour and attitude that the public and people we support should expect. You are responsible for knowing the Code and have a duty of care to ensure that your conduct does not fall below these standards.