The Ecclesiological Society is seeking a new Hon. Treasurer. Founded as the Cambridge Camden Society in 1839, the Society was instrumental in starting the Gothic Revival. These days we are an organisation of people who are enthusiasts for church buildings, furnishings, and history, and we have a membership of about 850 and an income of ~£15,000pa. Our main event of the year is a conference, which this year will be on C20 cathedrals. We also publish a journal and our conference proceedings, and we have a programme of visits each year.
The Society’s finances are straightforward. Most of our income comes in January in the form of membership fees, with small surpluses from events like conferences and visits. Our expenses primarily take the form of the costs of our publications (design, printing, and mailing) and holding events. We predominantly use online banking. The Treasurer manages all these processes, and it is a role which involves a pattern of work which could be described as “little and often”.
1. Manage the Society’s finances and oversee income and expenditure.
2. Work with Council colleagues on pricing of events and recommending membership fee rates.
3. Prepare the Annual Accounts, ensuring compliance with charity law.
4. Participate fully in the wider decision-making of Council.
Council meets four times a year, currently twice in person and twice on Zoom.