Nursery Practitioner - East Kent College Based in Canterbury Full time hours Level 3 Childcar/Early years qualification required Available to be made permanent if it works out for all parties Specific Duties:
1. To provide high quality care and activities for children, which recognise both individual and group requirements in a secure, safe and stimulating environment.
2. To organise activities, both inside and outside the nursery, which promotes learning and development through the areas identified within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
3. To participate in the key person approach and be responsible for a group of children. Monitor, assess, record and report on their development and progress.
4. To follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework for guidance in practice with the children.
5. To maintain high levels of confidentiality with regards to written and spoken information regarding children, families, staff and the nursery provision.
6. To work in partnership with parents and carers, recognising that parents are their children’s first educators, and encourage parental involvement in the nursery.
7. To be aware of child protection issues and follow the nursery’s Safeguarding Children policy and procedures.
8. To ensure close monitoring of children where there are concerns.
9. To work in partnership with other early years professionals and outside agencies.
10. To prepare and serve food, drink and snacks to children, encouraging good nutrition and sociable eating.
11. To assist children with personal care, including changing nappies, assisting with potty training and other associated welfare duties.
12. To carry out on-going cleaning of the nursery.
13. To carry out health and safety checks as required to ensure the nursery is tidy, safe, clean and secure for children, staff, parents/carers and visitors.
14. To set up the environment influenced by planning to support the needs of specific key children. Ensure these children’s files are kept up to date with planning for their individual needs, the environment, observations, photographic evidence.
15. To be responsible for a specific room, report when resources run low; including nappies, wipes, aprons, gloves, art equipment and perishables etc.
16. To participate in free flow systems. This aids children’s development in selfassurance, independence, making choices and self-selecting. Ensure that no child is ever left on their own in the unit. Support the children’s play as and when required.
17. To work with colleagues to ensure the room is not at risk of being out of ratio – unless in case of emergency.
18. To be familiar with and implement the policies and procedures of the Nursery, adhering to them at all times.
19. To attend regular staff meetings, parents’ evenings and training sessions outside of normal working patterns and contribute to the continuous development plan for the nursery.
20. To display exemplary professional practice at all times.
21. To uphold and carry out the duties of the post with due regard to the Nursery’s Equalities and Inclusion policies.
22. To co-operate in the implementation of the health and safety policy and ensure that the nursery’s practice and environment meets health and safety standards.
General Duties and Responsibilities:
1. To participate in the staff support & development scheme and to undertake training based on individual and service needs.
2. To take a lead in creating or to promote a positive, inclusive ethos that challenges discrimination and promotes equality and diversity.
3. To comply with legislative requirements and College policies and guidelines in respect to health & safety and data protection.
4. To demonstrate positive personal and professional behaviour as specified in the Staff Code of Conduct.
5. To undertake continuing professional development to support our culture of continuous improvement.
6. To partake in quality assurance systems.
7. To meet minimum relevant occupational standards.
8. To keep up to date with the skills required to fulfil the role.
9. To undertake any other duties commensurate with grade as may be reasonably requested.
10. You will be responsible for protecting staff and learners from all preventable harm as per Safeguarding procedures