Through its Economic Justice programme, Barrow Cadbury Trust is supporting a growing movement for economic systems change in Birmingham. Co-designed with a local advisory group, the Trust’s programme brings together people interested in economic systems change in Birmingham. Its funding supports three types of activity: personal empowerment to enable people to influence policy and practice; campaigning and advocacy for change; and supporting organisations building alternative approaches. Our approach values both lived and learned experience and has a strong element of convening people across traditional organisational and power divides. This is not a traditional funding role: our grant funding is just one way in which we support change, and the post holder can expect to be an active part of the change we seek to make.
We are looking for someone based in Birmingham, or nearby, with an understanding of the causes and consequences of economic injustice; of the interrelationship between economic and other injustices including race and gender; and of how to bring about systems change. You will be a strategic thinker, able to bring people from widely differing backgrounds together to create momentum for a better economy in Birmingham.
This is a new post, designed to provide local capacity to develop the work and accelerate change.
1. Salary: scale starting from £32,200 for a 21-hour week (worked over a minimum of three days).
2. Generous c...