Work alongside the diabetes nurses in accessing digital blood glucose monitoring results. Perform antenatal checks and review ultrasound findings and discuss with the patient and medical / obstetric team as necessary. Provide parent education sessions for T1, T2 and GDM women and their partners, to discuss the intricacies of labour and delivery with diabetes. To discuss birth plans and recommendations. Improve and develop education materials for women with diabetes and staff involved in their care. Support postnatal ward staff in the reviewing and discharge of patients with diabetes. Support the dietitians and DSNs in the education of newly diagnosed GDM women. Educate ward staff regarding management of diabetes, including management of hypoglycaemia Act in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct and Midwives Rules To record and report untoward incidents and complaints in line with Trust policy. Keep accurate and contemporaneous notes in relation to the care you have provided and general management of diabetes in pregnancy. Contribute to the yearly report and audit of diabetes in pregnancy Oversee the OGTT process, auditing and improving efficiency. To supervise, support, guide, assist in the development of and assess the competency of junior staff. To initiate change effectively in response to clinical and organisational demands and inform staff of concerns which may affect patient care. Present at the monthly midwives mandatory training sessions. Education of new band 5/6s in Kings protocols and management of diabetes. Hold drop in refresher sessions for AN, labour and PN midwives and MSWs in care of the woman with diabetes during pregnancy. Carry out investigations concerning the OGTT/diabetes screening pathway through Inphase. Carry out regular audit of the OGTT process for review and quality improvement. Regular audit of the management of diabetes in labour and during steroids