The post holder will work with a team of twenty-eight Consultant Emergency Physicians and five permanent specialty doctors across Northumbria Healthcare Trust, as well as a large team of doctors in training at all levels. The post holder will primarily work in the Emergency Department at NSECH. There will also be opportunities for some shifts in the Blue Zone (seeing walk-in patients) and Resus under the supervision of Consultants in Emergency Medicine.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Reception of all cases: GP, Ambulance, self-presentations, all age groups, medical, surgical, paediatric.
2. Initial diagnosis, investigation, and treatment.
3. See patients independently and work above the level of an FY2; previous ED experience is essential.
4. Close collaboration with other in-patient teams and specialties.
5. Close working with acute medicine with team handover and interaction.
6. Augment existing clinical, educational, and intellectual skills to make decisions and problem solve for the benefit of the patient, students, and others within the Trust.
7. Provide evidence-based clinical and educational practice that optimizes available resources, including local expertise and experience.
8. Develop interpersonal and communication skills for effective collaboration and cooperation within teams.
9. Convey enthusiasm for the specialty to undergraduate medical students.
10. Gain experience of teaching across curricula and within rotations.
11. Develop an academic and scholarship profile in their field of interest.