Main Duties & Responsibilities Leadership, Strategy and Partnerships Role model the hospices Values and Leadership Behaviours, being highly visible, inclusive and compassionate in style and approach and empowering all to ensure that patients & their families, employees and volunteers are at the heart of all that we do. Create and model a positive, supportive, just culture and encourage productivity across all hospice functions. Develop and ensure a culture of openness and engagement where staff feel involved in the hospices agenda and business. In conjunction with the Board of Trustees and members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) ensure the development and delivery of effective clinical, financial, retail, fundraising, and corporate quality improvement strategies. Lead and support the Executive Leadership Team in the day-to-day running of the hospice, including establishing clear delegation and authority. Operate a clear performance management and accountability framework, ensuring appraisals are undertaken at least annually and individual development and appropriate personal development is undertaken to fit with hospice priorities. Keep the Chair of the Board informed of all important, complex, contentious or sensitive matters. Promoting and conducting the affairs of the hospice with the highest standards of integrity, probity, and corporate governance. Keep abreast of best practice in the hospice movement, advising the Board of Trustees of risks and opportunities to respond to national and local policy and developments that impact on the hospice and patients with life-limiting conditions Provide leadership within the wider Barnsley Place Partnership and South Yorkshire ICB, building trust, respect and mutual understanding between partners. Promote effective joint working across organisational boundaries towards the achievement of the strategic objectives of the partnership.Quality, Safety and Patient Experience Ensure all Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirements are known, understood and met across the hospice and there is a commitment to upholding the highest standards of safety and quality across the hospice. Ensure that all aspects of patient safety, including safeguarding, infection prevention and risk management are understood and implemented effectively and outcomes are monitored and reported. Responsible for patient experience and engagement, developing a culture of openness and responsiveness and ensuring that high-quality outcomes of care and experience are delivered by well-motivated, well led and engaged staff. Promote a culture of innovation and creativity and an ethos of continuous learning and improvement and ensure it is embedded throughout the hospice. Ensure that incidents and complaints are fully investigated and that learning from them is implemented effectively and learning is adopted from relevant national reports. Ultimately be responsible for the hospices clinical governance and standards of clinical care and ensure that appropriate assurance and management processes are in place to ensure safe, compassionate and high-quality care is delivered.Governance and Compliance To be the lead contact for the CQC as Nominated Individual. Maintain a strong governance framework to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulation including Charity Commission Guidance, the Charity Governance Code, Care Quality Commission, Fundraising Regulator and Gambling Commission. Ensure the organisation fulfils its legal, statutory and regulatory responsibilities e.g., Companies House Ensure that the Board is given the advice and information necessary to perform its duties and that the business of the Board is properly conducted. Ensure financial management, corporate and information governance systems are in place and are sufficiently robust to ensure the hospice meets its objectives and provide the Board with regular assurance on their effectiveness. Ensure key performance standards and measures are identified including those relating to performance, quality, service, care, audit, workforce, financial and budget are monitored and reported appropriately. Ensuring appropriate internal controls are in place to effectively manage risks Ensure that all policies and procedures are followed and conform to the highest standards. Regularly review the hospice organisational structure to ensure it remains fit for purpose. Ensure the financial security and probity of the hospice and that all accounting and financial management systems meet the standards required by regulators and reflect best practice. Oversee and monitor budgets and support the Board of Trustees with relevant and meaningful financial information as required. Establish systems of control and limits of delegation and provide the Board with regular assurance on their effectiveness. Ensure that all resources, including volunteers and staff, buildings and facilities, are utilised effectively. Develop clear and deliverable financial strategies that ensure the sustainable future of the hospice, identifying and executing new business opportunities to develop and sustain income streams. To ensure that a l service delivery operates on a financially sustainable basis. Ensure that fundraising and retail strategies meet the needs of the hospice and supports the delivery of the overall financial strategy of the hospice.Relationship Management Represent the hospice and ensure there is effective communication in place with all beneficiaries, stakeholders and supporters, bringing credibility and professional gravitas to the delivery of its services and maximising support and funding for the hospice. Utilise sound public relations and marketing activity to promote the work of the hospice within the local community and nationally when required. Promote regular, varied and dynamic methods of communication with all staff and the public. Work to highlight the need for specialist end of life care to the health and social care sectors and ensure a high profile within the sector for the hospice. Promote the work of the hospice within related networks, including Cancer and Palliative Care Ensure the hospice is well networked, understood and supported by the local community and continuously build the profile of the hospice to ensure our reputation and capacity for delivering high quality and multidisciplinary education continues to grow.