App offers unlimited access to a vast range of retailer discounts and cashback deals (incl. Tesco, Asda, Curry's, and B&Q & Wickes, to name just a few).
We're excited to have recently launched Wagestream for all our colleagues - a Financial Wellbeing app that gives you more control over your pay. Not only does it let you choose when to get paid, it also lets you put money aside each month and in addition, you can get discounts on your shopping, check what benefits you're eligible for, and can even put you in touch with a financial coach!
With over 60 branches nationwide, Northgate Vehicle Hire are the UK’s go-to provider of light commercial vehicle rental solutions, partnering with some of the country’s most well-known organisations. We have gained a reputation for being at the forefront of the LCV sector and for helping our customers when they need us most.
And we’re also part of something bigger – ZIGUP, a leading provider of integrated mobility solutions, supporting customers across the UK, Ireland, and Spain. Few other companies can match the support, development opportunities and long-term security we offer. Unlock your potential in an industry-leading business, surrounded by inspiring individuals and leaders, fuelled by the opportunity to thrive in your career.
We are agile. We are experts. We are imaginative. We are reliable.
Keep your career moving, smarter.