Job summary
Since 2009NHS North East Lincolnshire Talking Therapies service has provided low and highintensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, EMDR, couples psychotherapy,Counselling for Depression and Interpersonal Therapy. The clinical teamconsists of High Intensity Therapists, Counsellors, Psychological WellbeingPractitioners, Interpersonal Therapists and Employment Advisers.
Weare looking for an enthusiastic, skilled and dedicated individual to join theNHSTT team as a clinical Business Manager. This is a new role within theservice and will focus heavily on clinical project management alongside dailymanagement tasks. The Clinical Business Manager will form part of theManagement Team within the NHSTT. Thepost holder will work alongside corporate services to lead on qualityimprovement projects, business developments and be the lead for communityengagement work. They will oversee clinical and non-clinical project workincluding triage and waiting well initiatives.
Main duties of the job
Interviews will be conducted by NHS TalkingTherapies Clinical Lead, Service manager, a Team Manager and a service userrepresentative.
Candidatemust be registered with a professional body to be shortlisted for this role.Examples include: NMC, SWE, BABCP or BACP amongst others.
The closingdate for this post is 1st December 2024. Interviews will take placeat Navigo House, date TBC.
This post requires the individual to work fromthe office base at least 80% of their time. The remaining time can be workedfrom home to allow for increased periods of concentration.
About us
We are Navigo. We look after North East Lincolnshire'smental health and well-being. We are an award-winning social enterprise thatprovides mental health services to the NHS and beyond.
The whole basis of our work isto deliver services that we would be happy for our own family to use.
We offer a range of mentalhealth services, including acute and community facilities as well as specialistsupport such as outstanding older adults inpatient services, rehabilitationand recovery community mental health and an outstanding specialist eatingdisorder facility.
Ranked as one of the top UKcompanies to work for, we featured in the Best Companies top 100 large companylist and were named sixth best health and social care company 2023.
As a social enterprise, we dothings a little bit differently and have also developed income-generating commerciallyviable businesses that provide training, education and employment opportunitiesincluding Grimsby Garden Centre and two cafes.
Working at Navigo is not likeworking anywhere else. Lots of places say that, but we really mean it.
We like to work withforward-thinking people who want to make a difference.
Come join us!
Job description
Job responsibilities
The main objectives of thisrole are:
To provide efficientand effective management in respect of business development and projectmanagement. This will include working in collaboration with clinical andnon-clinical managers in order to formulate sound business proposals,co-ordinate and manage specific projects and implement people management inaccordance with local policy and applicable legislation, and where appropriate,working in partnership with the relevant corporate services teams.
To serve as theinitial contact both internally and externally for NHSTT with regard toproject, quality, performance and business matters.
To be involved (orensure appropriate representation) with recruitment, ensuring consistency,fairness, transparency, ethical standards, integrity and legislativecompliance. Promote a values, attitudes and behaviour-led recruitment culturein order to support the Navigo mission, values and ethos
To work withcorporate service colleagues and stakeholders including, but not limited to,Workforce, Estates, Finance, Clinical Managers, Quality & Performance,Corporate, Administration, colleagues and the individuals using our services toformulate ongoing service, process, information and people developmentprovision
To act as co-budgetholder in partnership with the Clinical lead, ensuring that services operate ina manner that is financially viable and sustainable and provide regularfinancial communication.
To be involved inthe strategic and operational management and development, including policyco-production and revision, training compliance, attendance rates, conductingdisciplinary investigations, capability, supervision, PDR, coaching andestablishment formulation and revision as required.
To lead on andmanage NHSTT quality projects and developments to enhance care delivery andefficiencies within the service. To keep accurate, up to date, action plans andupdated documents to enable feed back to the clinical lead and management team.
To monitor, haveoversight, highlight and escalate any concerns around the NHSTT nationaltargets and IPR dashboard in good time allowing for a proactive approach toimprove targets alongside patient care.
To lead and workalongside corporate services on appropriate forums and platforms forco-production and engagement, corresponding these to formulate and developaction plans and service and organisational objectives
Work with seniormanagers to formulate long term plans and strategies for service provision anddevelopment using project management knowledge and experience
To work with theBusiness Development Team on areas of service development and policy writingwhich impacts the wider organisation, developing and implementing policy,proposing changes in conjunction with workgroups and service area leads
Embed the Navigomission, values and ethos across the workforce and all teams
Principal job duties / maintasks
Business Management
To be part of thesenior managers on-call rota once a month including occasional weekends.
Act as finance leadensuring financial awareness, budget performance and risk/contingency planning.
To work alongsidecorporate services, in the collecting and presentation of data, and otherevidence relating to NHSTT to support business proposals, monitor ongoingprojects and make recommendations for improvements.
Design and usecomplex spreadsheets and initiate and produce high standard correspondence,action notes, reports, graphics, etc.
To provide regularbusiness development updates to colleagues and those individuals using servicesas appropriate
Liaise withcolleagues in all areas of Navigo (including Corporate, Estates, Finance, SMT,etc.) in order to identify and secure appropriate business developmentopportunities and any grants or other funding in order to support business andservice provision and development
To review processesacross services in order to promote efficiency and quality, seeking andimplementing solutions to barriers where these exist. Ensure process reviewsare supported by evidence generated with support from corporate services andlinked into existing governance processes, quality improvement plans go tothe Quality working group for initial planning and support.
To be involved andlead in the planning, costing, implementation and final execution of NHSTTprojects.
To work withcorporate services to combine appropriate data with own clinical expertknowledge of NHSTT and that of others in order to produce meaningful, factual,purposeful management reports to aid decision making, service development andcontinuous improvement within services and teams
Devise andfacilitate (including conducting) audit of people, process, service and policyin order to provide quality assurance and continuous improvement
To work withcorporate services and stakeholders within existing governance structures toco-produce and implement standardised brochures, booklets and otherdocumentation across the service
To complete theNavigo Respect instructor training, ensuring that courses are offered in linewith training needs analysis. Be responsible for producing the yearly trainingplan and attending quarterly instructor meetings.
People and PerformanceManagement
To ensure robustrecruitment and on-boarding processes exist and that these are adhered to inorder to promote and role-model the organisational and service objectives,values, attitudes and behaviours
To instil andreinforce a culture of openness, honesty, professional bravery, resilience,integrity, equity and humanity through the development and application ofappropriate people practice, process and consistent application of policy
To ensure thatcolleagues have access to information that is appropriately presented in orderto aid safe and effective service provision, finding solutions to barriers thatmay exist
To support indirecting clinicians time towards clinical matters, mitigating avoidablebarriers to this
Acting asinvestigating officer for disciplinary or other performance related matters,ensuring impartiality and compliance with internal policy and legislation
To work alongsidecorporate services and lead within NHSTT to support team managers with fair andconsistent people and performance matters such as consultation, mediation,redeployment, risk assessment and performance action planning
Implementing aconsistent and meaningful meeting structure and the provision of comprehendibleinformation and data to all stakeholders
Manage and maintainestablishment and budget overview for NHSTT, acting as co-budget holder
Overseeing theprovision of listening groups (forums) for colleagues and service usersincluding drop-in sessions, and ensure that outcomes are cascaded acted uponand progress communicated regularly
Must be able totravel fair distances to any relevant meetings including conferences, nationalevents and local events, allowing for personal development and showcasing ofthe service.
Act asincident/Datix handler/investigator where appropriate, and be notified of allincident reporting in order to facilitate (or provide) meaningful incidentdebriefs with colleagues and individuals using services
Attend team meetingsand other necessary meetings in order to provide and gather information inrelation to business and performance matters and embed the organisational andservice objectives, values and ethos, chairing where required
Lead on and sustainthe implementation of values, attitudes and behaviour-led work culture
Handle complaintsand grievances in accordance with local policy and legislation n conjunctionwith the corporate PALS Manager
Support and lead onmonthly team meetings, ensuring the day is organised and well prepared for,including liaison with other services, internal and external to ensure guestspeakers are planned.
Support the teammanagers and clinical lead with any ad-hoc support requests to ensure thesmooth running of the service. Cover any supervision needs in the absence ofteam managers for the team.
Clinical Management
To be part of theNavigo house duty rota once per week, supporting individuals who attend Navigohouse in distress or who require additional support outside the scope of thereceptionist staff.
To offer clinicaloversight to waiting well initiatives and triage clinicians, ensuring they areadequately supported in their roles.
Support in theoversight and development of care pathways according to the NHSTT manual andcurrent NICE guidance.
Support thedevelopment of a group therapy programme ensuring capacity is maximised andflow through the service is effective and efficient
Completion of theannual and quarterly NHSTT staffing census alongside the clinical lead andrelevant corporate services, ensuring timely completion and accurateinformation is provided.
To be up to datewith all changes to NICE guidance or NHSTT manual, ensuring this is shared withthe management team in NHSTT and cascaded effectively to the teams.
Complete Records forapproval requests as they arise, in a timely fashion to a high standard.
Support and lead onMortality Reviews, Structured Judgement Reviews, After Action Reviews and Swarmhuddles as required under the PSIRF framework.
Share joint responsibility with theteam managers for ensuring the SystmOne task box is checked on a daily basisand actions are taken appropriately.
Person Specification
1. Hold a professional registration with a recognised professional body including BABCP, BACP, NMC, SWE etc.
2. Attained recognised qualification relevant to the job role
3. Management, leadership, HR or project management qualification to Level 5 or above (or working towards this with completion within the next three years)
4. NHSTT (IAPT) specific training completed.
5. IT qualification to Level 3 or above (or working towards this)
6. Experience of working at management level within a health and/or social care environment
7. Proven track record of successful project management
8. Proven track record of process management
9. Knowledge of maintaining setting up administration and filing systems
10. Proven track record of achieving targets
11. Proven track record of co-production
12. Proven track record of recruitment, development and coaching
13. Proven track record in financial/budget management
14. Experience working in a client and/or patient-facing environment
15. Experience working in collaboration with workforce, quality and performance teams.
16. Experience of handling complaints
17. Experience of conducting and following up audits
18. Experience of quality assurance processes
19. NHSTT experience
20. Experience of working in a high flow, target driven service
Additional Criteria
21. Experience working within the scope of UK GDPR and other information/confidentiality policy and legislation
22. Deep understanding and respect for confidentiality
23. Understanding and knowledge of prioritisation, change management and time management strategies
24. Flexible approach to duties
25. Positive attitude to change and driving a learning culture
26. Professional appearance
27. Willing to attend further training courses (as and when required)
28. Pragmatic and solution-oriented
29. Committed to high standards and continuous improvement
30. Self-motivation, enthusiasm and results-focus
31. Ability to maintain all aspects of Respect training and implement strategies in order to maintain standards of patient care and safety
32. Must have high levels of resilience due to the conflicting demands of the role.
33. Foundation knowledge of employment law
34. Demonstrate the principles of partnership working
35. Understands the needs of people with mental health problems and demonstrates a belief in empowerment
Skills & Attributes
36. Excellent communicator, both in writing and verbally
37. Extensive experience of using Microsoft packages to promote service delivery
38. Extensive experience in project management, change management and tackling challenges
39. Ability to build and develop effective relationships with partners and service users
40. Personal organisation and team-working skills
41. Able to manage the workload and ensure the production of high-quality work
42. Manage and prioritise a varied workload to meet agreed deadlines.
43. Problem solving skills
44. Ability to delegate as required
45. Ability to produce complex spreadsheets