KEY WORKING RELATIONSHIPS Ward/Unit Manager and staff; Matrons; middle and non-clinical managers; wider multi-disciplinary team; medical staff; Estates and Facilities; Nursing Directorate; Infection Prevention team; Patient Information and Liaison Service; Nurse Specialists; Directorate Education and Practice Development Team; Clinical Support Nurses and Clinical Placement Facilitators; People Services and the Finance team. KEY RESULT AREAS1. Delivery of effective health care within the organisation 1.1 Responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes of evidence-based care to a group of patients according to changing healthcare needs and varying levels of complexity. 1.2 Responsible for the allocation of patients to nursing staff and the delegation of duties and care priorities to the multi-disciplinary team in the absence of the person with continuing responsibility. 1.3 Provide advice, education, support and information to patients and their relatives/ carers as required and involve patients and relatives/carers in the planning and delivery of care. 1.4 Establish and maintain effective communication with patients and relatives/carers. 1.5 Recognise, prioritise and respond appropriately to urgent and emergency situations. 1.6 Receive reports from team members on the progress of own patients during and at the end of each shift and for all patients when in charge. 1.7 Facilitate effective communication and liaison with other disciplines as necessary to meet the needs of patients especially relating to ongoing care needs and discharge arrangements. 1.8 Ensure that fully accurate, complete and contemporaneous nursing records are written and maintained for each patient in accordance with agreed policy 1.9 Actively participate in the development and implementation of new ways of working, implementing research-based practice in order to promote ongoing care improvement.