This is a full time locum post with a minimum of 10 PAs. A final job plan will be agreed upon appointment, ensuring both individual and Trust / departmental objectives align. Job planning commences annually with the Clinical Lead and Directorate Manager, in September, to compliment the departmental business planning process and concludes in December, following sign-off by the CMO. Applicants wishing to work less than full time will be considered, with appropriate adjustments to the job plan to maintain a balance of Direct Clinical Care and Supporting Activities. The balance between Direct Clinical Care and Supporting Professional Activities will be agreed with the post holder in the final job plan. The SPA allocation is 1.5 for personal CME, audit and revalidation requirements including departmental meetings. Additional Pas (APAs) may be allocated for specific agreed objectives for the trust subject to the agreement of the Clinical Director. Further details can be found in the Job Description/Specification