Chailey is a thriving, successful school set in rural Sussex within easy reach of Brighton. We are proud of our traditional values and innovative approaches to Teaching and Learning. Staff are friendly, dedicated and supportive; our students are happy and proud to be part of the school. Chailey is a school where teachers and students can thrive. We are seeking a talented, innovative colleague to join us as a full-time teacher of mathematics. Visitors to Chailey School often comment on the calm teaching environment and fantastic relationships between students and teachers.
The school has an excellent track record in GCSE Mathematics and Further Mathematics results and the department has a strong collaborative approach to continually improving teaching and learning. We use the White Rose curriculum as the basis of our school mathematics provision. The successful candidate will work with a group of supportive and dedicated colleagues and this role is suitable for ECTs or more experienced teachers.
If you have a strong desire to help students of all abilities to achieve the best they can, whilst fulfilling your own potential, then we would be very pleased to hear from you.
Further details are set out in the application pack on our website (). Please contact Serena Rodd, PA to the Head Teacher, at the school address shown or email: if you have further questions or would like to arrange a tour of the school.