Able to manage clinical care at the highest level independently, from beginning to end, for example from when an individual presents through to the end of the episode, which may include admission, referral or discharge or care at home. Advanced knowledge and skills in therapeutics to prescribe effective pharmacological and non- pharmacological approaches for the management of LTCs and assess patient concordance. Able to respectfully challenge practice, systems and policies in an objective and constructive manner. Participate in opportunities to influence local policies, pathways and procedures. Able to develop, deliver and evaluate training and education packages, for individual and groups, across a broad range of general practice nursing needs and in collaboration with other disciplines and agencies to facilitate inter-professional/agency learning. Able to display originality of thought and utilise this in innovative service development and delivery and safe implementation of new policies and guidelines for practice. Demonstrate problem-solving skills underpinned from perspectives, for example in research processes, service and quality improvement techniques, educational theory, or leadership and management theory. Participate in the planning and implementation of development programmes. Focus on the improvement of patient safety by developing systems to disseminate learning from incidents and follow up to ensure best practice is embedded in delivery of care. Act as an experienced work-based learning educator/assessor by providing advice and support to other practitioners and build capability and capacity to support learning in practice settings. Participate in monthly clinical education meetings. Leadership & Management: They may delegate work to other members of the multidisciplinary team and take accountability for the delegated activity. Able to assimilate information from a range of sources and ensure complex decisions reflect the analysis of these different perspectives even when limited information is available. Is able to participate in strategy development, presenting a positive role model for general practice nursing, and ensuring this translates into practice development to improve the quality of care. Able to apply the theoretical perspectives of change management to create an environment for successful change and practice development and utilise conflict management and resolution strategies where appropriate. Demonstrate an evaluative and outcomes-based approach to practice and develop strategies to share this with a wider audience. Is able to appreciate the broadest context of clinical governance and initiate and support others, including service users, to be involved in a range of quality assurance and monitoring activities. Ensure that quality and audit cycles are completed and results and learning are fed back into practice. Develop processes for monitoring clinical effectiveness and efficiency to enhance management of resources. Where required undertake significant event auditing (or equivalent) and be skilled in undertaking objective investigations and in writing objective reports following the completion of the investigation and in presenting this information orally if required. Able to work effectively with a wide range of professionals and agencies and participate in multi- professional/agency strategies.