**Please see full job description for further information** Clinical Responsibilities: Deliver a highly specialist evidence-based mental health assessment, formulation of diagnosis, care planning, treatment & review for women in the perinatal period. Undertake risk assessment & risk management for individual clients, & to provide advice to other professions on aspects of risk assessment & risk management. Act as care coordinator, where appropriate, taking responsibility for initiating planning & review of care plans under enhanced CPA including clients, their carers, referring agents & others involved the network of care. Provide specialist evidence-based interventions such as CBT, VIPP, VIG, to women in the perinatal period, to the parent infant dyad or the family system. Provide specialist consultation, advice & support to both CNWL, local Maternity Hospital in-patient and community services on best practice when working with women with mental health needs; at preconception, pregnant women & women with infants up to one year old. To work jointly with care coordinators from CMHTs with a small complex & challenging caseload of pregnant women or those with an infant up to one year old. Work in consultation with other professionals making known concerns regarding safeguarding children &/or adults to the appropriate & responsible service. This includes attending Child Protection & Review Conferences as appropriate where the child is at risk because of the mothers mental illness.