Overview of the job
This is a non-operational specialist role based within establishments and line managed via the Senior Health Safety and Fire Advisor within the PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L Team.
The role supports national plans and systems for the effective management of HSF risk through the provision of first line monitoring and support for establishment(s) and by the co-ordination and operation of relevant establishment(s) administration and management systems.
There are no line management responsibilities.
The job holder will co-ordinate HSF management systems within identified establishment(s) in line with national policy, arrangements and standards.
The post is the liaison and co-ordination point for health, safety and fire management in establishment(s), providing first line advice, information, administration, training and support to the SMT, managers, staff, prisoners, contractors and visitors. The job holder will undertake the role, having access to all work areas, plant and equipment within the establishment.
The post holder will report to the Senior HS&F Advisor in the regional HSF Team. Support for other establishments in the region may be required on an ad hoc basis as required by the Senior HS&F Advisor, Principle HSF&L Advisor and/or the Head of Health, Safety, Fire and Litigation (North/South/LT&HS).
Responsibilities, Activities and Duties
The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:
Health, Safety & Fire
• The administration and management of accident, assault, near miss and fire incidents on the Sphera system.
• Responsible for the ongoing quality assurance of information, statements and records relating to these incidents that are uploaded to Sphera, including an annual validation programme agreed by the Principle HSF&L Advisor, Head of HSF&L and national policy section(s).
• To advise and support Managers in the completion of Sphera accident/near miss Investigations and daily occupiers fire safety checks for all buildings within establishments.
• The administration and management of the DSE training and assessment software system; undertaking individual DSE assessments for acute cases and advising Managers when ergonomic assessments are necessary in complex cases.
• The administration and management of alternative footwear queries following the national hierarchy.
• The management, monitoring and review of the establishment HS&F Continuous Action Plan.
• To provide initial support and guidance to Managers and Staff on all HS&F matters.
• To notify the Governing Governor of any dangerous conditions requiring immediate action.
• To complete and record a monthly compliance check for all RPE sets held within the establishment.
• Responsible for the production, review and monitoring of Building Fire Risk Assessments (BFRAs) within the relevant establishments. Documents must be current and recorded on the approved format. Remedial action plans must be developed, kept current, raised and discussed at the appropriate levels (Governor, HSF&L Sponsor, SMTs, Service Delivery Managers etc.).
• To complete the RSET/ASET and Pre Release Movement Times (PRMT) for all Residential Buildings within the establishment.
• To complete the PHASE Checklists or equivalent reports in draft for the Senior HS&F Advisor to supplement and validate in accordance with the national reporting timetable.
• To undertake Fire Incident Investigations, record findings on Sphera and provide recommendations to the Responsible Person.
• To conduct frequent and regular safety tours of the establishment as part of a quality assurance process; where possible in conjunction with establishment Head of Functions, Managers and Union H&S representatives.
• To complete an establishment Monthly Assurance Report for the Senior HS&F Advisor to supplement and validate prior to being submitted to the establishment SMT and Principle HSF&L Advisor.
• To routinely conduct quality assurance inspections of all TFM related HS&F matters i.e. Asbestos; Legionella and Fire Safety.
• To advise and support Managers in the completion of the following:
o Safety Tours
o Sphera
o DSE Training
o Daily Occupiers Fire Checks
o Hot and Cold debriefs for HS&F Incidents
o Establishment HS&F documentation and information
o Compliance with HS&F policy and procedures
• Refer potential RIDDOR incidents to the relevant functional manager and to the PSP (North/South/LT&HS) HSF&L Team, and where agreed to submit RIDDOR incidents to the HSE.
• To submit Planet FMs or New Work Requests and EIPs for all unsafe conditions that are identified and highlighted through the completion of BFRAs and to encourage all staff to actively report unsafe acts and conditions.
• To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment sickness and attendance absence cases for RIDDOR and days lost due to accidents.
• To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment planning, co- ordination and effectiveness of Immunisation Clinics.
• To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment compliance with the First Aid assessment of need.
• To routinely monitor via the People Hub the establishment compliance with Initial and Refresher RPE Training to national requirements and standards.
• To routinely monitor the production and distribution of the Establishment Arson List.
• To routinely monitor and support the People Hub in the organisation, delivery and maintenance of records of RPE Training to all operational personnel; and to be a member of a team of establishment RPE trainers delivering RPE training at other locations.
• To routinely monitor the adequacy of HS&F Contingency Planning and to assist those responsible with the development and testing of HS&F contingency plans.