Provide care for older patients who have acute physical illness combined with other problems including co-morbidities and needs, functional abilities and rehabilitation (Geriatric Giants/Frailty Syndromes). Work towards health promotion and prevention and comprehensively assess patients for risk factors, early signs of illness or deterioration in condition. Draw on an advanced clinical knowledge and skill set to diagnose and plan treatment and care, which will include ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests, advanced health assessment and cognitive assessment. Prescribe or deprescribe medication where legally allowed and actively monitor the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. Plan and manage complete episodes of care, working in partnership with others, delegating and referring as appropriate to optimise health outcomes and resource use, and provide direct support to patients and clients. Work in partnership with patients, families and carers to support them to manage and live their lives. In addition they will help to develop a programme of practice development for staff in the Frailty Pathway who will also be caring for these patients. Their practice should be developed to an advanced level whereby the Advanced Clinical Practitioner can directly or indirectly influence all aspects of care and management of patients within their speciality, and across a population.