A rare dental opportunity has opened up for an Associate Dentist nearby the town of Merthyr Tydfill About the role : Substantial bonus available upon arrival! Full-time or part-time roles available Dedicated support team ready to aid with treatments Career progression is at the forefront of dental practice’s objective Practice is very big on providing excellent treatment to all patients! Looking for an ambitious and approachable candidate Parking available nearby The practice: Mixed, Private and NHS Practice – Spacious surgeries Computerised surgeries with Digital X-rays, specialist equipment, latest technology, and more! Experienced team onsite including Associates, Ortho, Perio, Endo and Implantologist Dedicated clinical advisors for day-to-day support and specialist treatments Apply today! To Apply, either click “Apply” or send in your CV to info@medmatchdental.co.uk .
Take the next step in your career now, scroll down to read the full role description and make your application.
For more information please also do not hesitate to call in to the office line on 0203 912 9800 and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have about this great opportunity. If you are interested in any other roles across the UK, please feel to visit us on medmatch.co.uk/jobs #MMDASD