Ensure an efficient high quality technical and clinical pharmacy service meetsthe needs of the patients and healthcare professionals within the Trust.Clinically screen prescriptions for chemotherapy and biological medicines,according to Trust and national protocols and commissioning standards.Provide specialist clinical advice to doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcareprofessionals on initiating, prescribing, and monitoring of chemotherapy andsupportive medicines in line with Trust and national guidance.Clinically verify oncology prescriptions in line with British OncologyPharmaceutical Association (BOPA) standards and ensure treatments are inline with commissioned services.Act as an Authorised pharmacist and carry out clinical and aseptic servicesverification process in accordance with specific organisational policy.Final check and release aseptically prepared products (including clinical trialdrugs) and ensure all documentation is complete before release to wards anddepartments within and outside the trust.Ensure all products are safely formulated and released in accordance with thedepartments quality systems.Assess outsourced unlicensed specials products against Certificate ofConformance and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards.Be trained and named on the intrathecal register to undertake check andrelease of intrathecal chemotherapy.Assist the Lead Intrathecal Training Pharmacist with the development anddelivery of intrathecal chemotherapy training.Develop an in-depth knowledge of labelling and worksheets systems to supportthe lead technician in managing documentation systems.Provide a comprehensive documentation system to underpin the qualitymanagement system to include internal audit, risk assessment, change control,Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs), training, environmental monitoring,validations, and maintenance of the deviation system.Assist in the investigation of problems with unlicensed medicine products madein section 10 and outsourced.Ensure safe systems of work are maintained as defined under statutorylegislation, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations,regional and National Cancer Standards, controls assurance and professionalstandards.Act as a knowledge base/resource for the oncology and haematologydirectorate and provide specialised professional and technical education toenable the clinical areas to meet the high standards of patient care and safety.Ensure and promote safe handling, preparation, and storage of cytotoxic drugs.Record significant clinical interventions, report unusual occurrences, andinvestigate errors and deviations and non-compliant situations.Support the delivery of the pharmacy clinical governance agenda e.g., initiativesto reduce medication related risk and implement agreed strategies, work closelywith clinical governance and risk co-ordinators.Interpret and apply information retrieved from medical and nursing notes.Report relevant adverse medicine reactions to the Medicines and Healthcareproducts Regulatory Agency (MHRA).Act on drug alerts ensuring that appropriate advice is given to staff, patients,and carers.Actively participate in pharmacy team meetings.Participate in the introduction and development of new aseptic chemotherapyproducts including product lifecycle system, validation activities, formulation andstability testing, workforce training and development, and product quality reviewas required.