Title: Locum Social Worker - Children in Care - Preston, UK - £36 Hourly - Ongoing - Full Time
We invite you to embark on an exciting journey as a Locum Social Worker within the Children in Care team in vibrant Preston, earning a competitive £36 hourly. This ongoing full-time role offers a fantastic opportunity to utilise your skills and experience in a forward-thinking environment. If you have more than 12 months of experience in social work and a heart for supporting children and young people, this is the perfect role for you.
Perks and benefits:
* Flexible Working: Enjoy the freedom to manage your schedule and make the most of a healthy work-life balance.
* TOIL (time off in lieu): Any hours worked beyond the typical 37 can be taken off to recharge, so you can continue your valuable work feeling refreshed.
* Manageable Caseloads: Feel empowered with a workload that is balanced, ensuring you provide the best care without feeling overwhelmed.
* Family Friendly Employer: We understand the importance of family commitments and are here to support you in balancing your professional and personal life.
* Travel Benefits: Your dedication to meeting the needs of the children is valued, and as such, mileage costs are covered to ensure your work on the go doesn't go unrewarded.
* Comprehensive Training and Development: We are invested in your professional growth, providing access to workshops and opportunities that enhance your skills and career progression.
What you will do:
* Work actively within the Children in Care team to ensure the safety and well-being of children within Lancashire.
* Develop and implement care plans tailored to the needs of children and young people, aiming for positive outcomes.
* Engage with families to strengthen their involvement and address any concerns that affect the children.
* Collaborate with other professionals and agencies to deliver seamless and comprehensive supportive services.
* Maintain accurate and detailed records of interactions and interventions, reflecting the progress and needs of each case.
Working with Sanctuary Personnel:
Sanctuary Personnel is a trusted and award-winning agency for roles. With an ‘Excellent’ rating on Trustpilot from over 1,000 reviews and many prestigious industry awards, we are dedicated to finding you the best possible rates in roles that match your skills and experience.