London Borough of Bexley Job Description Management Grouping: Place Department/Section: Economic Development & Skills (BBE) Job title: Employer Engagement Advisor (EEA) Reports to: Team Leader Purpose of Job · Support those who have been out of work for longer periods might need extra help to move back into employment. The BBE employability team will break down employment barriers that could be holding people back from finding work. · To work with businesses and partner organisations to source employment opportunities for registered BBE clients including paid employment, work tasters and working interviews. · Where a contract requires, you will deliver support by using both models of Supported Employment; Individual Placement and Support (IPS) and Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF). · You will work in partnership with a wide variety of local agencies, partners, employers and colleagues within the team to provide the best support to individuals. Principal Accountabilities Implementation · The postholder will be required to bring in a targeted number of vacancies to ensure jobseeker/client needs may be met. This will involve direct contact with employers such as face to face employer visits, phone calls, emails and Teams meetings. · To support local businesses with their staff recruitment by promoting vacancies they place with the team, CV matching, shortlisting, organising assessment centres/employer sessions and interviews, including work tasters and working interviews. · Initiate, source and foster new relationships with local businesses through a range of canvassing activities across a range of locations and sectors in order to capture sustainable vacancies for BBE clients. · Maintain existing employer relationships through robust account management, regular personal contact and site visits. · Contribute to business networking by attending job fairs, arranging employer events and sector-based open days and organise approved events in order to widen the pool of potential applicants for existing vacancies. · To deliver employability support under the IPS and SEQF models to both clients and employers adhering to the Fidelity Scales as set within the Fidelity Assurance System and working to the ‘place and train’ model to ensure clients job start needs are met. · To support IPS and SEQF, work collaboratively with the Employment Advisor teams to directly market clients considered to be further removed from the labour market to increase their chances of being put before an employer for interview. · To work collaboratively with the Employment Advisor teams to deliver employment support activities such as the ‘Market Place’ and ‘Sub Fest’ that will improve the level of candidates put forward to BBE managed vacancies. · To work with the Employment Advisor team and meet one to one with clients to promote clients through the BBE Talent Pool (direct marketing clients to employers). · Maintain up to date knowledge of current employment legislation and complementary provision in order to advise and assist employers appropriately with the recruitment process. · To ensure accurate completion and monitoring of all company contacts, vacancies, interview dates and specific outcomes including job placement success and job outputs obtained leading to sustainability. · To monitor own performance and report to line manager and highlight in advance any potential delivery risks that will affect programmes outcomes. · To maintain awareness and understanding of the extent of BBE initiatives and services in order to be able to provide clients, local businesses and colleagues with an informed and efficient service. · To meet set targets, continually develop a high level of current industry knowledge and maintain appropriate internal liaison to ensure seamless provision for the benefit of local businesses and residents. · Application of GDPR and Freedom of Information legislation in their dealings with employers, clients and file maintenance. Personal Effectiveness · To deal promptly with all matters requiring the post holder’s personal attention. · To be fully conversant with relevant statutory provisions and the Council’s constitution, processes and procedures; to develop the full range of professional skills and knowledge to satisfy the requirements of the post. · To establish and develop effective working relationships and productive partnerships with all the relevant partners. · To support occasional out of hours working relating to clients starting work and to support departmental key employability events. All staff working in the department have a responsibility for promoting and supporting the Council's policies and procedures for safeguarding. You should ensure that you carry out your duties and work at all times in a way that ensures the safeguarding and welfare of service users. Person Specification Management Grouping: Economic Development & Skills Department/Section: Bexley Business & Employment (BBE) Job title: Employer Engagement Advisor (EEA) SELECTION CRITERIA ESSENTIAL/ DESIRABLE (E/D) (a) Education and Formal Training GCSE education A-C level English & maths or equivalent Appropriate Professional Qualification or willing to work towards E E (b) Relevant Technical Experience and Knowledge Demonstrable experience of: Placing individuals into interview and paid work opportunities Establishing open communication with businesses/stakeholders using a variety of techniques to source vacancies and work tasters. Proven experience of working on one’s own initiative, demonstrating ownership and drive to achieve a desired outcome. Managing the business vacancy/recruitment caseload and sustaining relationships with businesses to continue to source and maintain employment opportunities for clients. Adapting to service delivery changes accordingly to meet business and jobseekers needs. Understanding the local labour market and how recruitment intervention can support and sustain local businesses. Finding solutions to the issues that make accessing employment difficult and remove barriers. Attending jobs fairs and events to represent BBE and promote services. Support the embedding of employment in learning by working with local colleges and BBE managers through pre-employment courses related to vacancies. Understanding of supporting legislation/best practice. Using a variety of digital skills to carry out your every day role including Microsoft Office packages, Teams and the ability to learn and use in-house database systems. E E E E E D E D D E E Values Behaviours for staff Behaviours for managers Innovation I respond flexibly and adapt to changing demands I am prepared to take managed risks to achieve better outcomes I ask ‘What if…? to develop fresh thinking and innovative approaches to generate and implement solutions to improve performance and challenge the status quo I routinely look for innovative and cost-effective ways to improve performance and customer service I champion change and deal successfully with ambiguity, enabling people to see positive and exciting possibilities for the future I take calculated risks based on available evidence and my professional judgement to learn and try new things Leadership I demonstrate a clear sense of purpose and direction, in line with organisational objectives I am willing to take difficult decisions My personal actions promote a positive image of Bexley I take responsibility for my service and for making things happen to make a difference to my service users I create an environment where staff can thrive and show I value and trust staff, give praise and recognise good work I inspire, lead and encourage staff to move forward Partnership I show respect for others and value contributions from internal and external partners and customers I recognise the right solution, regardless of who initiated it I seek out and work with partners who can help me achieve the outcomes and objectives I need to deliver I encourage the feeling that the team is a collective unit with shared goals I engage with service partners and other areas of the Bexley organisation to understand the demands on others and seek solutions as One Council I network internally and externally Listening and Responding I acknowledge other people’s viewpoints and work with them to find a win-win solution I prepare and present information anticipating questions and problems I adapt my style to the audience and their needs, using the most appropriate communication channels I seek regular service user feedback and review customer data to shape service improvements I ask staff for ideas on how to improve our service and how I can improve as a manager, listen to them and act on them I empower staff to make decisions and changes to improve value for money, customer service and productivity Open and Accessible I see issues from the customer / user perspective I monitor customer feedback and level of satisfaction with the service they receive, and use this to improve and pre-empt customer needs I seek to build and maintain positive relationships with customers and partners I am accessible to my service users, customers, staff and Members I communicate and share a clear vision for the bigger picture as well as specific service areas I outline what is expected of individuals and their contribution to the whole, and am consistent in my expectations Impact I prioritise my activities and resources to focus on those which have the most impact for residents I take responsibility for making things happen and achieving my objectives I make decisions and clear recommendations based on my professional opinion and experience, informed by a range of information and evidence I design services that provide value for money and deliver our outcomes, informed by evidence I produce, prioritise and adapt plans to meet changing requirements I set interim goals to achieve notable wins on the way to larger objectives I deal with poor performance Support those who have been out of work for longer periods might need extra help to move back into employment. The BBE employability team will break down employment barriers that could be holding people back from finding work. To work with businesses and partner organisations to source employment opportunities for registered BBE clients including paid employment, work tasters and working interviews. Where a contract requires, you will deliver support by using both models of Supported Employment; Individual Placement and Support (IPS) and Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF). You will work in partnership with a wide variety of local agencies, partners, employers and colleagues within the team to provide the best support to individuals.