Part time/ full time nanny - 2 boys (3/9years) starting anytime from november 2024 to jan 2025 monday-wednesday, 9-5pm ideally sharing with another family we are the gauhe family. we are looking for a nanny for our 3 years old son on monday, tuesday, wednesday. this would also involve school pick-ups of our 8 year old son (4:30pm). responsibilities: feeding, dressing, preparing lunches, outings and varied activities. our ideal candidate would match the positive attitude, energy and creativity of our current nanny. we would like someone who instinctively celebrates the individual characters of the boys. someone who will be kind and encouraging but maintain control. our little one is very active, very social and likes to be outdoors. he eats well and is potty trained. we have mixed creative and scientific backgrounds so we are keen to encourage curiosity and learning by experience, and emotionally, we feel passionately that our children should be free to be themselves in whatever form that takes while being, first and foremost, kind and generous. we are all quite active, energetic and sociable and look forward to a new friend of the family. please get in touch if you are available and interested. this is a paid position and we are happy to discuss pay rate during the application processes.