Independent Living Fund Scotland Job summary Salary/Grade:£36,944-£42,244/B2 plus£2,500(pro-rated)perannum reviewable market supplement Job Title: Assessor Reports to: IndependentLivingTeamManager Location: Home-Based with regular travel throughout the Greater Belfast area Employment Type: Permanent Are you passionate about empowering disabled people to live independent lives? Here at ILF Scotland we are delighted to share an exciting opportunity for an experienced and qualified Assessor to join our amazing team. This Assessorrole will be home based in the Greater Belfast area to help make independent living a reality for many in Northern Ireland. As anAssessor, you will play a pivotal role in delivering life-changing outcomes by conducting award assessments and reviews that focus on choice, control, and dignity. You will work closely with recipients, award managers and stakeholders to ensure funds are used effectively, resolving complex situations and championing independent living. We are happy to talk flexible working and welcome interest and applications from those wishing to work full or part time Overview ILF Scotland is a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) constituted as a company limited by guarantee. It was created following the closure of the UK ILF in June 2015 and has been administering ILF funding for existing fund recipients in Scotland and Northern Ireland since 1 July 2015. The purpose of this funding is to enable independent living for disabled people, giving recipients control, choice and dignity. ILF Scotland currently distributes annual funding through the Independent Living Fund and Transition Fund (TF) of approximately £55m alongside revenue budget of approximately £4M totalling around £60 million to support individual recipients lead independent lives. The organisation consists of a staff team of around 81 people, who provide independent living support for over 8,000 current fund recipients per annum split between the 2015 Fund (2,300) and Transition Fund (6,000). Theorganisationisfullyfundedbyandaccountableto,Scottishand Northern Ireland Government Ministers via a Board of Directors. Directors are appointed by Scottish Ministers in-line with the Scottish Public Appointments process. As a values-based organisation, ILF Scotland takes a values led approach to legislative compliance where people and relationship building are a key focus. Job Purpose ThisisakeyrolewithinILFScotlandwhereyouwill: Plan,organiseandundertakeILFawardassessments/reviewswhichmaintainafocusonindependent living outcomes Interface,influenceandengagewithHealth&SocialCareTrusts,Social Workers and Third Sectorpractitionersandproviders. PromotetheprinciplesofILFScotlandandachieveexcellent outcomes with recipients and their carers, ensuring choice, independence and social inclusion. Work in partnership with ILF recipients and their families / carers, Health & Social Care Trusts,providersofsocialcare, payrollservicesand financialmanagementorganisations, and thirdsectorpartnerstoresolvecomplexsituationssurrounding support arrangements andfinancialmatters,toofferchoice controlandindependence relating to the ILF award. Ensurepublicfundsarebeingspentappropriatelyandto report fraud concerns if necessary. ActasambassadorsforILFScotlandinengagementwith social care partners and others. Be an excellent communicator with an ability to have challenging conversations in a sensitive manner. Main Duties Requirements As a Registered Social Worker or Allied Health Professional the post holder has a personal and professional responsibility to act in line with either the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Standards of conduct, performance and ethics or the SSSC Code of Practice for Social Service Workers in Scotland or NISCC Standards for Social Workers, Social Care Workers and Social Work Students in Northern Ireland or the relevant professional body. In addition, it is expected that post holders will adhere to the relevant professional standards and code of ethics for their profession. ToadheretotherequirementsoftheNISSCand/orSSSCcode ofpracticeandanyotherprofessionalcodeofpracticespecifictothepostholdersqualification.Inaddition,thepostholdershould adhere to ILF Scotland operational and employment policies and procedures, health and safety policies and relevant legislation. To bea memberof thePVG scheme and work inaccordance withAdult,ChildandPublicProtectionprinciples,legislationandprocedures. Requirement to attend and contribute to peer support meetings, team meetings, practice days, development workshops and any other meetings or training as required by the organisation. Maintain relevant professional registration. Responsibilities Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing witharangeofindividualsincludingrecipients,carersandother professionals. Plan,organiseandundertakeILFawardreviews,inpartnershipwith others as appropriate. Useaholisticapproachinassessmentofneedandmakeclear recommendations based on analysis of informationgathered. Prepareandsubmitcomprehensivereportswithclear recommendations that promote choice, control and independence. Ensure issues regarding welfare rights, poverty, equality and diversity have been identified and addressed. Maximise income and ensure recipients are in receipt of relevant welfare benefits and signpost accordingly. Work within ILF Scotland policy, legislative and procedural frameworks in response to matters raised regarding use of ILF funding. Workinasensitiveandempatheticmanneratalltimesandin accordance with the fundamental principles of Independent Living Scotland. Ability to work autonomously and independently, making decisions and taking responsibility for individual practice, seeking advice and support as necessary including 1:1 sessions with a line manager. To ensure that allocated cases are completed liaising with partner organisations and other ILF colleagues with clear recommendations to ensure new awards are timeously processed. Abilitytoworkindependentlyandaspartofateam. Anyotherdutiesasreasonablyrequiredtomeettheneedsof the organisation. Development Work Touseknowledge,skillsandunderstandingofthesocialcare landscape across a range of development work within ILF Scotland involving policy and practice. To participate in community engagement to promote ILF Scotlandinavarietyofsettingsandactasanambassadorfor the organisation. Tocontinueon-goingprofessionaldevelopmentrequiredto maintain registration. Contributetothedevelopmentofserviceimprovementto maintain high quality of service provision. Mentornewcolleaguesandprovideshadowingopportunitiestocolleagues within the wider team. Commitment to ongoing professional development and training. Problem Solving Information gathering and critical analysis of social circumstances using skills and understanding of the social model of disability and adopting a strengths based approach to practice. Overview,analysisandinterpretationoffinancialrecords, in partnership with recipients / award managers and financial management organisations. Knowledge of social care and interface between Health & Social Care Trusts and ILF Scotland policies and procedures to promote independent living, choice and control for recipients / award managers. Autonomy Thepostholderworksautonomouslyand independentlywithinILF legislative, policy and procedural framework. Thepostholderexercisesprofessionaljudgementinday-to-day casesincludingtheinterpretationandapplicationofregulations,legislation, policy, procedures and guidelines. Thepostholderis requiredtomakeindependentdecisions withregard to routine and complex situations. To support and contribute to decisions in relation to changing and improving the service. Decision Making The post holder is responsible for the delivery of professional recommendations relating to their allocated reviews across Northern Ireland. They are required to make all decisions pertinent to this delivery based upon their knowledge, skills and experience working within the frameworks and guidelines of both ILF Scotland and NI Health & Social Care Trusts. Impact The post holder is responsible for the quality and accuracy of assessments relating to the social and economic circumstances of people who use the Fund. ToensurethatILFfundingmeetstheidentifiedoutcomesof people who use the Fund. To encourage participation and inclusion using a person-led approach in the assessment and review process as far as possible, using effective communication at all times. To promote choice, control and independent living for people whousetheFundand considerindependentAdvocacyand/or peers support were appropriate. To identify needs and rights of carers and signpost to promote carers needs and rights. Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required: Degreelevelqualificationorequivalent(SCQF/QualsNILevel 10/6)inSocialWork,OccupationalTherapyorNursingrelatedsubject with associated professional registration. KnowledgeofthesocialmodelofdisabilityandofIndependent Living. Detailed and up to date knowledge of current health and social care legislation, policy and procedures, social care assessment process, self-directed support framework and outcome focused support planning. Knowledge and skills in use of person-led planning is desirable. GoodlevelofknowledgeoftheIndependentLivingMovementin Scotland and / or Northern Ireland, and a personal and professional commitment to the social model ofdisability. Professional knowledge and understanding of equality and diversity issues in Scotland and / or Northern Ireland, and commitmenttoILFScotlandsequalityanddiversitypolicyand practice framework Compliance with the relevant codes of practice, e.g. NISCC/ SSSC / HCPC. Excellent written and verbal communication skills CompetenceinusingITincludingMicrosoftTeams. Valid Driving license is desirable. How to apply To apply, please submit a CV and cover letter demonstrating your competency for the role and motivation to work for ILF Scotland by clicking Apply below. Please also complete and return the Equalities Monitoring form. Closing Date: 11:59 pm on Sunday 16 March 2025 Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application no later than Friday 21 March 2025. Interviews: Currently scheduled for Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 March 2025 with our preference to meet candidates in person in Belfast City, but we're flexible to support interviews via Microsoft Teams if preferred. Start Date: Spring 2025