PALS To receive all PALs related queries and direct towards the relevant service as quickly as possible. To provide information to users of the PALS service, and collect data relating to the information needs. To interview individual patients/carers who express concern relating to treatment or care and facilitate solutions to those concerns as quickly as possible where possible or referring them on to formal complaint mechanisms. To proactively liaise with clinical services to enable the service address and resolve any complaint or PALs query on an informal and timely basis directly with the patient and/or relative. To provide information about local services, including voluntary and statutory agencies and to offer guidance and support to those accessing the service, providing links to services where appropriate. To help to identify trends and themes arising from PALS ensuring that lessons are learnt. To efficiently ensure that all PALs contacts are recorded accurately and completely on the Risk Management system on a proactive basis to allow timely trend and theme analysis. Complaints To operate the Managing Concerns and Complaints Policy at Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust on a day to day basis. To proactively manage complaints within stipulated time scales, escalating to the Head of Quality and Experience when complaints risk breaching timescales, completeness and quality requirements. Provide support and advice to the Head of Quality and Experience on a day to day basis. Deliver an informative and robust service to patients on behalf of Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust. Provide advice to patients, service users, and members of the public and staff about the complaints procedures. To efficiently ensure that all complaints contacts are recorded accurately and completely on the Risk Management system on a proactive basis to allow timely trend and theme analysis. To co-ordinate the investigation of Complaints. Monitor the progress of investigations to ensure that responses are made within the timescales in accordance with Liverpool Womens NHS Foundation Trust Managing Concerns and Complaints Policy. Keep the complainant informed about progress of the complaint at all times. To gather intelligence of completion of complaints related action plans from the clinical services and store this electronically within the Risk Management system. Offer any appropriate conciliation or mediation services as part of the local resolution process, with the agreement of all parties. Inform all parties involved in the complaint investigation if the complainant continues through the Complaints process to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. To assist with the co-ordination and submission of reports on complaints. To help to identify trends and themes arising from complaints ensuring that lessons are learnt. To notify the Head of Quality and Experience immediately upon receipt of a serious complaint whereby disciplinary action may need to be taken or litigation is contemplated. To arrange meetings and take notes and actions. To provide administrative support to the Head of Quality and Experience. Patient Experience To support the Head of Quality and Experience to create and develop links with patient groups, clinical teams, community and voluntary groups, and members of the public to generate ideas for improving the patients experience of services and to facilitate the implementation of the improvements when required. To agree with manager a reasonable work plan of initiatives. To keep the Head of Quality and Experience regularly appraised of developments with feedback from patients and carers, highlighting cases that have potential to progress to formal complaints or good practice that needs sharing across services. To support the delivery of the Friends and Family Test function when required To assist in the coordination of the Patient Information Leaflets across the Trust when required.