Teaching Personnel are specialists in providing 1-1 tuition for young people who are not in education. We have an urgent need for tutors.
These pupils have a range of needs including:
· SEND needs - such as Autism and learning difficulties.
· Children in Care - needing catch up tuition due to missing chunks of school or being out of education.
· School refusers
· SEMH needs - varying from anxiety to severe mental health needs.
· Asylum Seekers
· Pupils who have been excluded from school.
We are looking for compassionate and patient teachers who are either retired and looking to work part time, or teachers looking to use their skills outside of the classroom environment to make a difference for children in the local area. Our tuition is mostly 1:1 and is in the young person’s home, this is due to the children we work with mostly being out of education. Our support varies from 1 hour to 15 hours a week.
As a 1-1 tutor you will provide support in any of the following areas: English, Maths, Life Skills are preparing to transition back to school. Our pupils are aged 4 - 19 and we are looking for teachers to work in any age group of their preference.
Access to your own vehicle is highly desirable for the role, as you will be travelling between students for each session.
Skills required:
· Ideally you will be a qualified teacher with QTS or a similar qualification.
· Or you will be a...