Monitoring and implementing targets for CAT delivery across the organisation will involve long term strategic planning: from staff interested in CAT, to Practitioner training, to adequate supervision. Your role will also involve providing accredited CAT supervision, consultation to clinicians across the Trust and liaison with external bodies (e.g. NHS-E (WT&E), and HEIs). You will be required to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council or another regulatory body (NMC, GMC, SW-E). You will also be required to be registered with ACAT and meet ongoing accreditation requirements. We provide excellent opportunities for peer support/supervision, CPD, teaching/training, and research and Audit in line with strategic developments. There are also strong links to the local Teesside D Clin Psy Programme as we are key providers of academic and clinical experience components both in terms of teaching and supervision. We also have strong links with the CAT Practitioner training courses (Newcastle and Manchester) and ACAT. Please refer to the attached job description and person specification for further detailed information to ensure that you meet the role criteria before applying.