To deliver direct interventions including assessment, diagnosing and treatment of mental and physical health needs through outpatient clinics and domiciliary visits as required. Attend the weekly CMHT meeting. Work closely with the community teams to provide effective multidisciplinary collaborative care; this will include availability for consultation, case discussion and advice at the request of team members and/or the team managers. Provide visible and clear clinical leadership to the mental health service, both locally and across the Trust, alongside the consultants Contribute to the development of community mental health services in line with best practice and nationally accredited standards. Fulfil the duties of the agreed job plan. Participate in Medical Audit, including audit of their own practice and attendance at quarterly Medical Audit meetings. Understand and participate in the maintenance, monitoring and evaluation of service specific performance indicators and targets. Maintain good standing with the Royal College of Psychiatrists for Continuing Professional Development (CPD); the Trust actively encourages continuing professional development and appropriate study leave and expenses will be supported by the Trust (up to 30 days study leave every three years). Join a Trust peer group for CPD purposes (a group will be identified if this cannot be easily arranged by the post-holder with colleagues locally). Provide cross cover for planned leave with the other doctors based in West Somerset. Comply with all Trust policies. Participate in the local arrangements for peer supervision with colleagues, including case-based discussion. Undertake annual appraisal and job plan reviews. Attend the weekly Postgraduate Medical Education programme when possible. Attend Senior Medical Staff Advisory Group and Adult Psychiatrists meetings. Work within the financial and other constraints decided upon by the Trust; additional resources will not be committed without the authorisation of the appropriate manager/budget holder. Special interests in accordance with PDP and service requirements can be developed through discussion and agreement in job plan review meetings. There are no external duties. If the employee has concerns about the professional performance of a member of the medical staff, they have a duty to speak to the person concerned, or if the matters is potentially serious, or satisfaction is not obtained with a direct approach, to discuss such concerns with the Trust's Medical Director, Clinical Director or Head of Division. OUT-OF-HOURS ON-CALL DUTIES: On-call duties can be discussed at interview or other opportunity with clinical director. The post-holder can choose a full slot in the senior out-of-hours on-call rota (subject to availability). Alternatively reduced roles can be discussed. Working alongside other colleagues providing this service helps offer a manageable out of hours service for our patients. Duties include senior medical and RC cover for the inpatient wards and S12 MHA work both in Trust premises and in the community. Aspects of these roles can be supported if doctor does not have full qualifications, such as no Approved clinician cover. This is currently a 1 in 10 rota operating 5pm to 9am on weekdays; at weekends the rota operates from 9am on Saturday morning to 9am on Monday morning. This rota provides senior medical cover including Responsible Clinician duties to all the in-patient wards in the Trust including the child and adolescent ward (Wessex House). It therefore covers inpatient services for adults of working age (Rydon 1 and 2 Wards in Taunton, Rowan Ward in Yeovil and St Andrews Ward in Wells), older people (Pyrland Ward in Taunton and Magnolia Ward in Yeovil), the PICU (Holford Ward in Taunton), the rehabilitation and low secure wards (Willow and Ash Wards respectively in Bridgwater) and Wessex House (child and adolescent unit in Bridgwater). Hence it includes duties for patients within the following specialties: general adult, old age, rehabilitation and learning disability and child psychiatry. The senior on-call rota also involves MHA assessments in inpatient wards, the two Hospital Place of Safety suites (located in Yeovil and Taunton), the district general and community hospitals, police custody centres and also in the community. The rota attracts a payment of 1.25 PA (for the S12 component) and a 3% salary enhancement for the RC/senior medical cover for inpatient wards. Section fees are also paid for assessments (excluding current Trust inpatients). The rota is occasionally supported by senior trainees who accept calls before the consultant but require consultant supervision and stop work at midnight. Assessments in the Hospital Place of Safety are not routinely undertaken at night for patients arriving after 1am (at the discretion of the nurse in charge).