1. To be accountable for the quality of practice, setting standards and creating the conditions required for successful social work by motivating, nurturing and mentoring staff. Encouraging and promoting effective relationships and communication between individuals across the service and partner agencies.
2. To undertake medium and long term practice development projects which require developed interpretation and analysis skills and partnership working with both colleagues and service users, in order to deliver solutions to a complex range of issues. Identifying practice changes, resource implications and training required.
3. To deputise in the absence of the team manager to provide management cover in conjunction with the duty Team Manager for the Service Area and with the agreement of the Service Manager
4. Undertake audit activity and moderation responsibilities, taking responsibility for the learning from these audits to be disseminated. Including liaising with external stakeholders where necessary and the development and delivery of training if required.
5. To support and oversee the quality assurance of reports and assessments including preparation and submissions for Court Proceedings.
6. To take a lead role in preparing less experienced social workers for court and at court within care proceedings.
7. As a practice educator provide specific practice support to students and newly qualified social workers in their Assessed and Supported Year of Employment and other colleagues to ensure that their practice is excellent, developed and embedded.
8. To quickly establish, develop and maintain good working relationships with service users and colleagues supporting them to adopt and, embed in practice the Signs of Safety model and other practice frameworks adopted in the service.
9. To supervise individuals and lead on group supervisions as agreed with the team manager, within the SoS framework. Undertake direct observations of practice within the agreed policy and supervision procedures, mapped against the PCF descriptors and against the Knowledge and Skills Statements, gaining an indication of the quality of social work practice and the impact on service users.
10. Responsible for agreeing cash requests in the absence of the team manager and in line with the service financial policy and procedures.
11. Remain up to date and compliant with all relevant legislation and adhere to organisational procedures, policies and professional codes of conduct in order to uphold a high quality seamless service. Identify own continuing professional development needs and strive to meet these.
12. When capacity allows, to co work on complex cases and undertake joint assessments where the degree of risk and profile of the service user requires greater volumes of experience and expertise.
13. Make recommendations in respect of assessments, planning and case reviews ensuring the appropriate use of legal options have been explored and presented to relevant panels.
14. Provide/offer expert opinion within the organisation and others as a result of developing expertise in one or more areas of practice and acting as a member of a professional or Service Planning Group.
15. Work in partnership with other agencies and organisations, chairing and leading a range of meetings in order to fulfil the provisions of a Social Work Service.
16. To work closely with other Practice Supervisors and with the Principal Social Worker to drive local and national agendas relating to social work.
17. To maintain up to date, accurate, concise and purposeful records of work in line with departmental policy on recording and access to files.
18. To facilitate training and other learning opportunities for all Social Work staff, on the basis of own expertise, promoting best practice and improved outcomes for service users.
19. To participate continuously in professional development opportunities including regular supervision and appraisal in line with registration and HCPC standards.
20. To act in accordance with the priorities and policies of the Department, actively promoting and supporting council policies on equality and working in an anti oppressive manner.