Management of the day-to-day operations of the practice, ensuring that staff achieve their primary responsibilities and CQC, QOF and locally commissioned services targets are met. HR processes, including recruitment, relevant checks, contractual issues, appraisals and staff performance ensuring employment law and legislation is adhered to. Workforce planning, ensuring a skill mix and staff have the appropriate level of training to enable them to carry out their individual roles and responsibilities effectively. Management planning, ensuring a skill mix and staff have the appropriate level of training to enable them to carry out their individual roles and responsibilities. Liaise with the Primary Care Network (PCN) and CCG/federation, attending meetings and promoting collaborative working. Provide support and advice to the partnership; managing the financial aspects of the practice in conjunction with partners; facilitate partners and practice meetings, produce agendas and action plans; keeping up to date with developments. Manage estates and facilities, including health and safety aspects, risk assessments and mandatory training.