This is a seasonal job available from July until end of August.
Applicants must be 18 and able to prove their right to work.
Previous experience is not required, and training is given by the farm.
You will be picking Cherries outdoors in all weathers, but the crop is under tunnels.
The work is extremely physical demanding, and you will be carrying, bending, lifting and going up step ladders for much of the day. You will need to be fit and healthy with strong backs.
You will need to be prepared to work in all weather conditions and make sure you have the relevant clothing to help you do this. It can be very hot in the summer and then quickly turn cold and rainy.
During the hotter months it can be intense working under polytunnels – we therefore generally start very early in the morning to avoid the heat of the day. This can be as early as 5 am.
Weather, crops and demand from customers permitting, the farm aims to work six days per week, 8 hours per day with breaks throughout the day but this is crop dependent.
There are no set standard hours as these vary from day to day due to weather and crop conditions.
The work is done on piece rate, which changes daily subject to crop + quality conditions. You will be notified of the rate / target each day prior to starting.