Responsible to: Catering Manager
Shared Responsibilities with other Leadership Team members:
1. Foster community links.
2. Work to strengthen and enhance The Park Community School’s values and culture.
3. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.
Main Duties:
Key Function 1: School Meals
4. Ensure that students queue for food in a quiet and calm manner.
5. Supervise students as they wait to select their meal.
6. Encourage good table manners and orderly behaviour.
7. See that drinking water is provided.
8. Discourage waste.
9. Supervise the orderly return of empties to a given point.
10. Wipe down tables between sittings.
11. Clean up after spillage of food or water in the Canteen during the service of the meal.
12. Supervise pupils eating packed lunches
13. Operate the tills as required (appropriate training will be given if this is required)
Key Function 2: General
14. Supervise pupils in the playground, classrooms and corridors
15. Attend to minor accidents, refer to a First Aider if necessary and report to Deputy Headteacher
16. Report to Deputy Headteacher any untoward circumstances
17. Ensure that children do not leave the school without an official lunchtime Pass
18. Assist Senior Management Team as required in order to care for the safety and well-being of children.
For more details and the person specification, please see the job description.
To apply, please complete the application form and email to