It will be your role to provide intensive, personalised support to people who are already receiving therapy for a common mental health disorder. Many of which will be in employment, some will be unemployed and looking for support. In fact, their relationship with employment may well be a driver/contributing factor towards their presentation (anxiety and or depression)., Whether your sessions are delivered in person, virtually (via MS teams) or over the telephone, your priority will be the service user and improving their mental health using your skills and advice which will improve their employability prospects. You will support your clients to identify their strengths and skills, creating a tailored job match, this will include working to understand their background and experience and their aspirations for paid work. Your role will be to help clients break down barriers and challenges faced by: Creating CVs Identifying suitable courses and training Preparing for interviews Advising on reasonable adjustments at work Finding strategies to meet clients goals Being creative in job searches YOULL NEED. An understanding of common mental health problems and the potential workplace implications of these conditions. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships with a range of people. The ability to work well under pressure and effectively plan and prioritise own workload. The ability to negotiate with various stakeholders on behalf of service users. To be able to work independently and use initiative to think quickly on the spot in often challenging situations. To be able work well within a multidisciplinary team. Tenacity, drive and a focus on achieving good outcomes for service users. Please read the person specification for full details.