Assist in and perform routine tasks related to patient care as directed by senior nursing staff and GPs Cytology and Womens health Pill Checks Wound care including Complex dressings, Compression & Doppler Travel Assessments and Vaccinations Respiratory Care including Peak Flow Readings & Spirometry Cardiovascular disease & Hypertension Management Diabetes care Management Routine Adult immunisations Childhood immunisations Awareness of Infection control guidance Follow agreed clinical protocols with referral to senior nurses or GPs as appropriate Management of clinical tasks and Docman and Manage workload within the allocated times Have responsibility for ensuring QOF & LES/DES targets are met Ensure the maintenance of equipment and stock levels relating to patient care. Maintain general tidiness and cleanliness of clinical areas Chaperoning and assisting patients who are being examined by another clinician. Ensure accurate notes of all consultations and treatments are recorded in the patients notes on the clinical computer system as appropriate Attend and participate in clinical & Practice meetings Use clinical system tools (currently Ardens, Population Manager & EMIS Searches) to report at clinical meetings on targets on at least a monthly basis Ensure CQC standards are met Develop & maintain clinical protocols in conjunction with the Nurse Manager Co-operate and participate as required in any research projects within the Practice On occasion there may be a requirement to undertake home visits to housebound patients Participate in the education and training of students (as appropriate to your grade) of all disciplines and the induction of all members of Practice staff with special responsibility for nursing staff. Maintain effective liaison with other agencies and staff concerned with patient care and with all other disciplines within the Practice, with appropriate regard to confidentiality. Maintain continued education by attendance at courses and study days as deemed useful or necessary for professional development Any other delegated duties appropriate to the post