To communicate effectively with all disciplines involved in a patients care, both those from within the organisation and those outside, to ensure effective multidisciplinary working. This will include discussion of patient care, patient progress and involvement in discharge planning. To be able to communicate complex and sensitive information to patients, carer and other staff including imparting unwelcome news relating to their rehabilitation potential and gaining consent for treatment. To communicate any changes in care plan or treatment approach to other relevant members of the UCR team and the UCR Operational Lead as necessary. To ensure timely and effective communication with the Physiotherapy Team Lead and other multidisciplinary Team Leads on all professional matters. To maintain accurate documentation in line with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy standards and CSH Surrey standards and policies. To attend staff meetings and actively participate ensuring understanding of information imparted. Assess patients understanding of proposed intervention. Gain valid consent and work within a legal framework with patients who lack capacity to consent to assessment and/or intervention. To use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication skills to communicate effectively with patients in order to progress rehabilitation and treatment programmes. This may include patients who have difficulties in understanding or communicating e.g. patients who may be deaf, blind, have cognitive and/or behavioural problems, or who are unable to accept their diagnosis or presenting condition. To appreciate cultural differences and take these into account when agreeing treatment plans with patients. To manage patients who may be occasionally aggressive or confused. To be able to manage potentially stressful, upsetting or emotional situations in an empathetic manner.