The Trustees of By Brook Valley are looking to appoint a new Admin and Health & Safety Officer for our stand-alone Academy Trust. We currently use SIMS for pupil data, our HR and Payroll provider is Juniper and GDPR is with Integra (South Gloucestershire Council). Training on our systems will be provided where needed. A background in education is desirable but not essential.We are a stand-alone academy with a small but well-staffed friendly office team, who enjoy working together to ensure the smooth running of the school. Key tasks include: Ensuring adequate staffing of our Breakfast and After School Club.
Health & Safety for the whole school, which includes liaising with our Health & Safety Governor, conducting termly checks, inductions, audits and all associated compliance
GDPR Management (with the assistance of Integra our DPO)
IT and infrastructure management with the school IT provider (Oakford Technology Ltd)
General office and reception duties
Ensuring the Single Central Record (SCR) is up to date, and meet regularly with the safeguarding governor. Carry out safer recruitment, including DBS checks for new staff and volunteers.
Risk Management, including completing annual site and personnel risk assessments.
Procurement, tender and contract management
Oversee premises maintenance and outside contractors.
Respond to day to day premises issues.
Arrange and attend audits H&S, Fire, Legionella and Academy FCAR’s and action reports
Assist with HR recruitment and staff contracts
Ensure staff training is up to date and recorded
To amend school policies and procedures
To attend the school Finance and Premises Committee (F&P) meetingsGrade H FTE15-17 £29,269 - £31,364 (pro-rota £17,237 - £18,471)
Hourly rate £15.17 - £16.26