Thank you for your applying to work for the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, at the 2025 Great Yorkshire Show.
We require people to work across the Showground in a wide range of roles.
If you have worked at the Great Yorkshire Show before, please state in what capacity (such as Blue Gate, Green Gate, Programme Seller, Litter Picker, Toilets & Showers etc.).
If you have not worked with us before, please provide details of relevant experience, this can be work experience, or experience of working in a voluntary capacity, working with animals, or any agriculture/farming experience.
Our temporary workers contribute to the overall experience of the 140,000 visitors who attend the show and play a vital role in the success of the show each year, so great customer service skills are essential.
The recruitment process for the Great Yorkshire Show temporary positions commences at the beginning of April, and the selection process will be complete by early June.