Discipline Valid CPC and Digi Tacho Card, Valid C Entitlement and ideally you will have experience.
Logical Personnel Solutions are currently looking for HGV Class 1 Drivers for Days and Nights to fill jobs for our client based in Washington and Gateshead.
The work will be delivering General/Ambient and Chilled Goods to various destinations across the Yorkshire, North West, and North East areas.
The vehicles you will be using are all new or nearly new units and you will be doing trunk work to one destination tip load or go for a backload elsewhere.
This is regular work for the right candidate with days and nights available.
* Must have a valid C+E Licence along with a current Digicard and CPC and have no more than 6 points on your licence for insurance purposes.
* Will be a team player and have experience in General and Refrigerated trailers.
* Must again for insurance purposes have a minimum of 12 months class 1 experience as well.
* The work is Monday to Friday with start times for days from 0400 hours up to 1100 hours and for nights start times can vary from 1700 to 2300 hours.
* You will have good shifts with a minimum of 10 hour shifts.
* Rates of Pay are negotiable and we welcome LTD company drivers.
If you are interested, please send over your current CV and we will call you to discuss further.
These roles are available as soon as possible.
Apply as soon as possible as there are only a limited number of positions available. Please apply by filling out all of your details below, adding your CV and current contact details. If you would wish to enquire further about this vacancy, please contact us today and ask for Adam @ Logical on 0191 250 8981 quoting ‘HGV Driver jobs – Washington’.
If you are looking for work, please call us as soon as possible to register yourself.