This is an exciting opportunity for an innovative and talented school leader with experience in leading Inclusion to take their next step in our large successful school.
The Deputy Headteacher responsible for Inclusion will work closely with the Headteacher and all stakeholders to further enhance the vision and priorities of the school by developing strategic plans which will motivate all members of the school community to provide an outstanding and inclusive education for our pupils. They will also take the lead in our pastoral offer, behaviour, attendance and safeguarding.
The successful candidate will be responsible for:
* Ensuring the academy practice is compliant with the SEND Code of Practice and other relevant statutory requirements.
* The accurate identification of SEND need across the academy, ensuring rigorous and thorough assessment processes.
* Tracking the progress of pupils with SEND and the deployment of support staff and resources according to the needs of pupils.
* Embedding Quality First Teaching and ensuring high quality targeted interventions enable SEND pupils to make good progress.
* Line managing support staff including the Pastoral Lead and Attendance Officer.
* Overseeing the programme of whole school interventions and their impact, including those outlined in the Pupil Premium Strategy.
The post holder must have the ability to analyse data to identify priorities for school improvement, and be able to evidence the impact of priorities on pupil outcomes. They will provide termly reports to trustees, line manage others and their performance management, and have a good working knowledge and experience of safeguarding and child protection, including working with outside agencies.
They will also:
* Provide evidence of continuing professional development relevant to the SENCO role.
* Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of national priorities, including current curriculum development and the ability to adapt the curriculum based on SEND needs.
* Have a thorough understanding of quality assurance techniques.
* Understand how professional development contributes to the raising of standards.
* Provide evidence of successful teaching experience.
* Ensure standards are met and the best possible outcomes for pupils with SEND, using rigorous monitoring and assessment strategies to review progress and set targets.
* Work in partnership with all stakeholders of the school.
* Provide in-depth information and analysis of data for stakeholders: Headteacher, SLT, Trustees.
* Strengthen and maintain community links.
* Operate strictly in accordance with school policy and create new policies.
* Deputise for the Headteacher in their absence.