Research Associate in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Cardiff School of Chemistry
Cardiff University
We seek to recruit an enthusiastic, highly motivated scientist with proven intellectual and technical abilities to work on a heterogeneous catalysis project. The project, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and industries, involves a collaboration between Dr Sankar Meenakshisundaram and Prof Duncan Wass (Cardiff School of Chemistry), industrial partners in BP and Johnson-Matthey and academic partners in Cardiff and the University of Manchester.
The overall focus of the programme is the synthesis and characterisation of novel single atom and nanocluster based heterogeneous catalysts for carbon dioxide valorisation reactions. Experience in handling and manipulating gas/solid and gas/liquid/solid high pressure flow reactors - preferably high-throughput and a range of characterisation methods are highly desirable. Experience in safe handling of highly reactive gases is essential.
Job Description
Main function
To conduct research within heterogeneous catalysis and CO2 conversion and contribute to the overall research performance of the School and University, carrying out research leading to the publishing of high-quality research. To pursue excellence in research and to inspire others to do the same.
Main Duties and Responsibilities
1. To conduct research within catalytic CO2 hydrogenation and contribute to the overall research performance of the Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry and University by the production of measurable outputs including bidding for funding, publishing in national academic journals and conferences, and the recruitment and supervision of postgraduate research students.
2. To develop research objectives and proposals for own or joint research including research funding proposals.
3. To attend and or present at conferences/seminars at a local and national level as required.
4. To undertake administrative tasks associated with the research project, including the planning and organisation of the project and the implementation of procedures required to ensure accurate and timely reporting.
5. To prepare research ethics and research governance applications as appropriate.
6. To review and synthesise existing research literature within the field.
7. To participate in School research activities.
8. To supervise and train PhD and final year undergraduate project students on a day-to-day basis.
9. To contribute to the effective operation of the Sankar research.
10. To build and create networks both internally and externally to the university, to influence decisions, explore future research requirements, and share research ideas for the benefit of research projects.
1. To engage effectively with industrial, commercial and public sector organisations, professional institutions, other academic institutions etc., regionally and nationally to raise awareness of the School's profile, to cultivate strategically valuable alliances, and to pursue opportunities for collaboration across a range of activities.
2. To undergo personal and professional development that is appropriate to and which will enhance performance.
3. To participate in School administration and activities to promote the School and its work to the wider University and the outside world.
4. Any other duties not included above, but consistent with the role.
Person Specification
Essential Criteria
1. Postgraduate degree at PhD level (or nearing completion/submission) in heterogeneous catalysis (chemistry or chemical engineering background) or relevant industrial experience.
2. An established expertise and proven portfolio of research and/or relevant industrial experience within the following research fields:
1. Substantial experience of working with catalyst testing (gas/solid and gas/liquid/solid flow reactors - preferably high-throughput) and professional knowledge (essential).
2. Catalytic CO2 Conversion (essential).
3. Mechanistic studies using kinetic and spectroscopic methodologies (essential).
4. Handling different catalyst characterisation techniques and data analysis (essential).
5. Using analytical techniques including NMR, gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy, and ability to develop analytical protocols for quantitative analysis of complex mixtures (essential).
3. Knowledge of current status of research in supported metal nanoparticles synthesis, CO2 hydrogenation and heterogeneous catalysis in general.
4. Proven ability to publish in international journals and present at national/international conferences.
5. Proven ability to be successful in competitive research funding or knowledge and understanding of competitive research funding to be able to develop applications to funding bodies.
Communication and Team Working
1. Proven ability in effective and persuasive communication.
2. Ability to supervise the work of others to focus team efforts and motivate individuals.
1. Proven ability to demonstrate creativity, innovation and team-working within work.
2. Proven ability to work without close supervision.
Desirable Criteria
1. Evidence of collaborations with industry.
2. Proven ability to adapt to the changing requirements of the Higher Education community.
3. Evidence of ability to participate in and develop both internal and external networks and utilise them to enhance the research activities of the School.