This is an outstanding opportunity for a dynamic and inspirational teacher to make a real difference in a key department in one of Scotland's most dynamic independent schools. The department has a long tradition of excellent attainment and achievement, and of connecting with and inspiring children. We seek a creative, highly enthusiastic and hard-working teacher of Chemistry for August in a full-time permanent position.
There are five members of the Chemistry department, including the Head of Department, plus a dedicated chemistry technician. The team excite children about science, gain excellent academic results, and contribute to the wider life of the school through involvement in house activities, pastoral care and residential trips, as well as leading some of The Academy's best co-curricular clubs and societies such as the S1 Chemistry club, S2 Chemistry Club and STEM club. In addition, pupils are supported to complete CREST Award research. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in the RSC Top of the Bench Chemistry competition, RSC Schools Analyst Competition and RSC Chemistry Olympiad with pupils achieving top awards.
Chemistry is a popular subject choice in The Glasgow Academy and uptake is high at all levels. This year, in line with previous years, we have more than 80 S5 pupils in five Higher classes, with 48 pupils in S6 taking Advanced Higher. A large number of these pupils go on to study Chemical Sciences (including drug discovery), Pharmacy, Chemical Engineering, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine or Dentistry.
We pride ourselves on making all pupils' learning experience enjoyable, challenging and contemporary, while at the same time producing strong SQA results, as seen in August this year when 68% of Higher entries were grade A.