QUALITY ASSURANCE/SERVICE SUPPORT To oversee workforce skill mix for the site the post holder is leading on. Anticipate skill mix shortfalls at times of unexpected absence. To alert the PNM if unable to resolve shortfall and inform of any changes made. To assist with recruitment of nursing/phlebotomy workforce To assist PNM in updating and improving standards of nursing documentation and information. Co-ordinate and chair site specific nursing meetings and report back to the quarterly lead nurse meeting either in person or in writing. Oversee site specific clinical supervision of existing staff. Oversee induction and probation of new staff. Carry out appraisals for the nurse team including phlebotomy/HCAs/assistant practitioners at own site. Oversee stock control and ordering for own site. Liaise with the other site leads to ensure rotation of stock to allow use before expiry and reduce overall amount of stock held at any one site. HEALTH & SAFETY/INFECTION CONTROL Assist PNM to identify and address risks in work activities Work with the Infection Control Lead to ensure own site is compliant with infection control policies. Oversee site specific hand hygiene audits Report back infection control issues to overall IC lead at quarterly meetings or sooner if urgent Oversee room stocking and room standardisation at own site Work closely with site imms lead to ensure all fridges are checked daily as per SOP To liaise with other site leads to allow adequate and in-date vaccinations and rotate around sites as necessary Ensure site has adequate nursing and medical cover for flu vaccination session. Report to PNM in timely manner if any shortfalls. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING TEAM Identify and report to PNM of skill deficits either current or potential shortfalls Support the wider nursing team with their career portfolio Participate in clinical supervision and act as a positive role model Ensure the nursing team at own site are following local guidelines, protocols and standards TEAM WORKING Work closely with PNM to ensure that the nursing team are supported and to develop new ways of working. Be active member of the flu working group and assist in the delivery of the flu vaccination programme.