To communicate complex patient related information effectively to ensure collaborative working with multidisciplinary team members across health, education and social services and the voluntary sector. In particular to work with early years and school staff to ensure the delivery of a well co-ordinated care plan and/or individual education plan which facilitates the development of sensory, perceptual, motor and daily living skills. To co-ordinate the day-to-day provision of Occupational Therapy input for CYP with special needs, prioritising workloads and resources to ensure CYPs needs are met. To manage a highly specialist and complex caseload of CYP with SEN particularly those attending specially resourced provisions for CYP with Physical Disability. Lead clinician for provision of comprehensive specialist assessment and differential diagnosis of individual children and neonates with diverse and complex presentations using a range of specialist assessments/techniques Using highly specialist manual handling techniques Referring on to other services/professionals as appropriate in particular, Harrow Wheelchair services, Community equipment store, Consultant Paediatricians, Using specialist knowledge and demonstrating advanced skills in dealing with complex issues, including those where there are conflicting clinical indicators, to generate appropriate strategies for caseload management and wider issues relating to service provision for pre-school/school children Writing reports reflecting highly specialist knowledge and providing specific advice for statutory assessment of special educational need. To work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team in /School. To advise on manual handling risk assessment, access school environments and provision of specialist equipment (seating and hoisting equipment) and aids to daily living. To lead project working groups aimed at achieving team objectives particularly those relating to clinical specialism involving OT colleagues and other professionals e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Educational Psychology and early years. To provide line management/clinical supervision to more junior Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants and lead their Personal Development Plans (PDPs) and appraisals.