Accountable for own actions in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct. Will contribute to corporate objectives, acting within local, Trust and statutory guidelines and policies at all times Responsible for delivering the goals of the Matrons Charter (2004) taking a proactive as well as reactive stance on cleaning standards and infection control Highly developed communication skills enabling maintenance of high-quality service within a complex and challenging environment with often, conflicting priorities. Demonstrates accountability for standards and continuous quality improvements in line with the Trusts values Responsible for the provision of a high-quality professional Nursing/AHP and Midwifery service across a number of departments, promoting best practice and implementing a review process that looks at quality and efficiency to meet the needs of patients and service, working with other departments, specialities, and colleagues where support is needed to ensure best practice and safe service delivery To demonstrate clinical credibility, participating frequently in back to the floor days as well as supporting areas when necessary. Being visible as a senior Nursing/AHP or midwifery leader at all times, both within the Trust and when representing the Trust at external events Contributes to development and implementation of policies, procedures and guidelines across a number of departments, ensuring that clinical governance is embedded in practice Overall budget responsibility for service resources across a number of departments; in particular ownership of Nursing/AHP or Midwifery pay budgets, monitoring variance and implementing contingency plans as appropriate, e.g., bank, agency expenditure and absence management. For further details please see the attached job description.