The post holder will contribute to our Occupational Health and Well-being Service and play a key role in the ongoing development of our company and service provision for clients. This role involves interacting with key clients alongside the delivery of occupational health services to these clients. In addition, the post holder will act as clinical lead, as a consultant supporting the remainder clinical staff for nominated clients. The role includes improving quality and safety standards, delivery of targets, service modernisation, cost reduction programme, governance and risk.
* Act as a clinical lead, offering support and assisting with training of the Occupational Health Advisors and Occupational Health Technicians.
* Sharing information about quality improvement and patient safety within the practice team.
* Dealing with complex case management and being the responsible for escalated case work from the Occupational Health Advisors and Occupational Health Technicians.
* Assess the fitness of workers for specific tasks, ensuring a satisfactory fit between person and job, recommending suitable adjustments to enable a person to undertake the work they have been selected to perform safely and effectively, considering any health issues or disabilities they may have.
* Monitor the health of workers who are potentially exposed to hazards at work through health surveillance programmes.
* advise employees and employers regarding work-related health issues.
* Assess potential cases of occupational injuries and illness; investigating, managing and reporting individual cases appropriately and establishing if this is a single case or if there is wider incidence.
* Manage immunisation programmes for workplace biological hazards and for business travellers.
* Work with employers to promote best practice in physical and mental health in the workplace to help prevent sick leave.
* Visit the workplace and advise on the provision of safe and healthy conditions by informed scientific assessment of the physical and psychological aspects of the working environment.
* Case manage workers who are on sick leave, working with other health professionals to ensure the earliest return of functional capacity and return to work.
* Recommend suitable alternate work in circumstances where a worker cannot perform their normal job, either temporarily or on a permanent basis because of a health problem.
* Determine whether employees satisfy the medical criteria for ill health retirement under the terms of the relevant pension fund rules.
* Ensure people have the necessary health information to undertake their work safely and to improve their own health.
* Analyse data from surveillance programmes using sound epidemiological methods to identify trends in worker health and recommend any remedial measures necessary to improve worker health.
* Promote compliance with relevant health and safety legislation.
* Help develop policies, practices and cultures that promote and maintain the physical, mental and social wellbeing of all workers.
* Ensure targets and KPI’s are met whilst maintaining Company protocols and workplace rules and procedures.
* Actively support and promote the LATUS group of companies and all its policies including ‘Equal Opportunities’.
Hold a valid GMC Registration.
Ideally be a Fellow or Member of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (F/MFOM), however a recognised post graduate qualification in Occupational Medicine or Health will considered.
Experience working within an Occupational Health role in public and private sectors.
Experience dealing with complex case management and providing advice in relation to work on health and health on work.
Possess good clinical diagnostic skills and understand the appropriate treatment practices.
Knowledge of HSE and DWP guidance on fitness for work and safety at work.
Ability to carry out health screening.
Working understanding of relevant employment law in an occupational health context.
Excellent Communication skills.
Have good people skills and the ability to build relationships with our clients and their employees.
Be self-confident and well organised in their daily workings.
Lifelong learning builds skills and knowledge through experiences encountered in the course of an individual’s lifetime. These can be formal (such as training, counselling, tutoring, mentorship, apprenticeship or further education) or informal (experiences and situations, for example).
With a qualified Occupational Health Physician, the professional qualifications and membership of the GMC encourage continued professional development (CPD) to enhance lifelong learning with new standards and legal/regulatory requirements.
This learning is voluntary and self-motivated for both personal or professional reasons.
The Occupational Health Physician hereby agrees that as part of continued development he/she will:
Commit to and take responsibility for continued personal development.
Take responsibility for maintaining evidence of continued personal development.
Take responsibility for GMC obligations for continued registration.
Attend all relevant training internally and externally. Share learning experiences with other team members.
Discuss one’s own development needs with the Line Manager/MD in order to consistently achieve best practice and continuously improve personal performance.
Be willing to pursue further qualifications as deemed necessary within current legislation.
Latus Group hereby agrees to conduct annual appraisals to assess achievement, aims, objectives and training requirements for revalidation. In addition, appraisals will set out the requirements for the next 12 months.
The company will fund (subject to training agreement) any required courses to enable the OHP to set up, teach and train the Occupational Health Advisors and Technicians in accordance with any clinical governance programme