Job summary
We are looking to recruit askilled, experienced and enthusiastic Pharmacy Technician to join our Practicein Old Coulsdon. You will work with our practice staff and pharmacist team to ensuresafe, accurate and timely supply of prescribed medication. We are ideallylooking to recruit full time but will consider flexible/part-time hours.
We would prefer you to work ahybrid working schedule with some time at the practice and some time working remotely.
Main duties of the job
Being an integral part of the Pharmacistteam.
You will provide support to ourmultidisciplinary team, GP's, Nurses, Clinical Pharmacists, ACP's, Paramedics, admin and reception teams. Coordinating discharge summaries andmedication reviews, playing a central role in repeat prescribing processes,liaising with our patients, nursing homes, carers, hospital and communitypharmacies, responding to medication queries and updating medical records. Dataquality checks and audit on prescribing.
About us
We are a 19000 patient trainingpractice in South West London focus on staff welfare.
MDT focused - Pharmacists, ACP, Paramedic, Physiotherapists, Nurses and Health CareAssistants.
High QOFAchievements
CQC Rated Good
EMIS WEB Clinical System &Docman 10
We support hybrid working.
We have Close ties to other members of the PrimaryCare Team in Croydon and strong active links with our PCN Practices
Job description
Job responsibilities
The following are the core responsibilities of the PharmacyTechnician. There may be, on occasion, a requirement to carry out other tasks;this will be dependent upon factors such as workload and staffing levels. Thepharmacy technician will work within their scope of clinical practice and:
Responding to prescription requests from community patients,nursing/care home staff, pharmacy staff and GP's, processing them within 48hours for routine prescriptions and same day for urgent prescriptions. This caninclude re-routing prescriptions to out of hours pharmacies.
Process monthly prescriptions for nursing/care homes, checkingfor changes and adherence/over-ordering issues.
Use practice and CCG templates to record near patient monitoringfor high risk drugs.
Identify blood tests, recalls and reviews using establishedprotocols and forward these to the appropriate clinician.
Support and respond to medicines related queries from medicaland nursing colleagues and from patients and relatives both face to face, viaphone or via email. Queries can include issues with interactions or ADRs,availability of stock, swallowing difficulties, cost-effectiveness, urgentrequests or extra supplies.
Review hospital discharge notifications and outpatient hospitalletters and reconcile medication against current repeats, flagging up andcorrecting discrepancies.
Promote safe use of medication, reporting of medicines relatedincidents and pro-actively preventing safeguarding incidents.
Support the practice team with Chronic Disease management.
Support the review of care home procedures, makingrecommendations for potential improvements.
Observe the principles of clinical governance when developingpolicies, protocols, guidelines, SOPs and procedures.
Support practice prescribing budgets by on-going monitoring,audit and analysis of drug use and support practices in reviewing, developingand enhancing cost-effective prescribing. This includes staying aware of latestQIPP and other cost targets.
Help review medication with the pharmacists and makerecommendations for prescribing changes to improve outcome and ensureprescribing of the most cost-effective product.
Use knowledge of GP computer prescribing systems and communitypharmacy dispensing systems to advise on solving problems related toprescribing/dispensing and other areas to develop the skills of practice andpharmacy staff.
Person Specification
1. Essential NVQ Level 3 Diploma in Pharmacy Service Skills (QCF) plus Level 3 QCF Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science or GPhC accredited equivalent prior to July 2011
2. Desirable 2 years post-qualification experience. Experience of dealing with a range of clinical conditions Primary Care experience