Teaching Assistant – Level 2
Salary - NJC Grade 3 LLP 4-6 (£23,114 to £23,893 pro rata)
Hours - 35 Hours per week.
Term time only
Job Start Date: Required As Soon As Possible
Closing Date: 14th October 2024
Interview Date: Week commencing 14th October 2024
Bilston Church of England Primary School is a two-form entry school, with a complement of over 450 children, which was judged as GOOD by Ofsted (2024).
Our team is exceptional, we are an equal opportunity employer and encourage you to apply.
Our ambition for how it feels to work with us can be summed up very simply: we want you to be happy and fulfilled every day. We respect each other, we have a deep sense of professionalism, and we value passion in our work.
We operate an attractive CPD programme and Wellbeing is very important to everyone at Bilston CE, we have a wellbeing committee, offer wellbeing days and offer the Employee Assistance Programme to every member of staff.
Our mission is to provide the best possible educational experience for every child that attends our school. We are seeking to employ a TA to work within our KS1 SEND provision.
To work under the guidance of teaching/senior staff to undertake support programmes to enable access to learning for pupils, and to assist the teacher in the management of pupils.
Please see Job Description for full details of this role.
Key Requirements
* Experience of working with children of relevant age(s)
* Competent numeracy/literacy skills
* NVQ 2 for Teaching Assistants or equivalent qualification or experience
* Training in the relevant strategies e.g., literacy and/or in particular curriculum or learning area e.g. bi-lingual, sign language, dyslexia, ICT, maths, English, CACHE etc.
* Appropriate first aid training
* be able to use ICT effectively to support learning
* be able to use other equipment technology eg, photocopier, ipads • have a working knowledge of relevant polices/codes of practice and awareness of relevant legislation
* have a working knowledge of national/foundation stage curriculum and other relevant learning programmes/strategies
* have an understanding of principles of child development and learning processes
* have the ability to self-evaluate learning needs and actively seek learning opportunities
* have the ability to relate well to children and adults • work constructively as part of a team, understanding classroom roles and responsibilities
If you interested in this role and have relevant experience as detailed in the person specification and job description, please complete the application form. Please be aware we do not accept CV’s or ‘one-click’ applications. Email completed application forms to the School Business Manager lcooper@bilstoncofeprimary.co.uk
Shortlisted applicants will be asked to complete a self-declaration form prior to the interview and online searches will be carried out on all shortlisted applicants. References may be sought for shortlisted applicants prior to interview.
Safeguarding: Bilston CE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects its staff to share this commitment.The successful candidate will be subject to all necessary pre-employment checks, including: Enhanced DBS; Childcare Disqualification; medical fitness; identity and right to work.In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (KCSIE) online searches will be undertaken for prospective shortlisted candidates.
Attached documents
Job description for TA level 2.pdf
person spec - TA.pdf
NJC Application Form.doc