A. Clinical Consultant psychiatrist responsibility for their CMHT caseload. To supervise and support team members who carry out assessments of patients referred to the team. To carry out comprehensive psychiatric assessments and provide treatment for patients. Supporting staff to manage psychiatric emergencies. To conduct patient reviews and lead Multidisciplinary reviews, patient reviews and multi-professional meetings. To be the responsible clinician for the purposes of the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) and carry out duties in accordance with the code of practice. To carry out comprehensive Risk Assessments and participate in Trusts risk management processes such as Health Risk Assessment and Management Meetings (H-RAMM) and Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement (MAPPA) Meetings To provide medical leadership to the team. B. Liaison Maintain high level of effective communication with other parts of the Mental health service across the Trust. Liaison with families / carers Liaison with aspects of the Criminal Justice System regarding patients. Liaising with other stakeholders and interested parties. The post holder will be expected to maintain effective communication with Access services, community mental health teams, and primary care. C. Governance Programmed activity time will allow for management and audit of the service and reporting of audit programmes. Regular stakeholder meetings if required. Partnership Forums involving service user representatives and advocacy. Involvement with critical incident / serious untoward incident reporting and response Protocol development. Attendance at twice monthly Consultants meetings D. Training Direct supervision of junior medical staff Role in in-house MDT training / education sessions Education of other services / professions with relation to CMHT (including all stakeholders) Participation in Research and Clinical Audit Service development. Work with CMHT transformation within the Trust.